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   Oh KING of mercy, we bow before you. When the KING saw the crowd, he felt pity for them, he was touched because their state of life and lives was hopeless, helpless, and save less. He had mercy on them and heal those who were sick, that was verse '14'. Something learnable happened in verses 28 and 29. Peter asked the KING to give him his will, his way, and his path to come to him because
1. Peter didn't know the way, his faith was 0%, his way and path lead to death, so he wanted the KING to show him the way, his will, and permission. That is, Peter didn't want to do anything out of his own will. And verse number 29 concluded that the KING gave him the go-ahead. Meaning, if we ask anything important and Godly from the KING, he will lead us to it and give it to us. The way we control our tv remotes, we should allow the KING to control us the same way. That is called total OBEDIENCE. I conclude this brief message in verse number '36'  that, the crowd in Gennesaret sought permission from the KING to allow himself to be touched by the edge of his cloak for them to be healed. And hopefully, those who touched him were healed. I will call this great faith. Well, my followers, I'm telling you this to know that, I'm the I'm that I'm. The beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. I'm telling you this for you to have hope and faith in me always. And don't forget is a tool for you to follow me well. Thank you, your KING
           (KING JESUS).

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