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Hi sorry for the delay!! I've said before my updates might be a little slow because I'm in a weird headspace right now. I'll try to get the next one up soon :)



Pain. That's all I feel. 

I didn't even fully realize what I was doing until I was on the ground, my upper cheek and temple throbbing with a type of pain I had never felt before. I've never been in a fight or had any kind of injury. I mean, I fell off my bicycle once when I was seven but that was probably the worst I've ever dealt with. 

This? This is different, but to be honest, I don't regret it. I'd do it over again if I had to. 

I don't know what Justin said to Harry to make him snap. He had lowered his voice to a whisper and it was impossible to overhear with the chatter of the other police officers in the apartment. But whatever it was was enough for Harry to reel his arm back and collide his first with Justin's face as hard as he could. 

It happened so quickly and the next thing I knew, I saw Justin recollect himself and then prepare to return the favor. My legs moved quicker than my mind could comprehend because I couldn't stand the idea of Harry being hurt, so I took the hit for him. Was it a dumb move? Probably, and he'll probably give me shit for it later, but I don't regret it. I'd take a thousand punches if it meant that no one laid a finger on Harry. 

But now that my adrenaline has worn off, all I can focus on is the intense pain radiating throughout the left side of my face. It kind of feels like if I had a really painful bruise and then I dug my fingers in it to amplify the feeling. 

"Amelia?" I vaguely hear someone say my name. Shit, I can't even concentrate right now. My vision is slightly hazy and everything around me sounds like I'm underwater, just barely breaking the surface. "Love bug? Can you hear me?" 

I hum in acknowledgment, trying to come out of the daze I'm in. I blink a couple of times and squint my eyes, narrowly making out Harry crouched in front of me. His face is riddled with concern, his green eyes wide with horror and his pink lips parted. 

"Justin, what the fuck?!" A panicked female voice screams.

"She got in the way!" another voice yells back, this time male. "How was I supposed to know she would move in front of him?"

I groan at the sound. It's too loud and I'm not a fan of it. 

A scuffle happens behind Harry, but I try to ignore it so I can focus on the man in front of me. Gently, he reaches out and skims his finger over my cheek. I wince in pain as soon as I feel his contact and tilt my head away from his touch, causing him to frown. 

"Why would you do this?" Harry asks me. He moves closer to me, on his knees, and rests his hands just at the base of my neck. "I could have taken it, Amelia. Why would you step in front of me? Why would you put yourself in harms way?"

I place my hands on Harry's shoulders and rest my forehead against his, which was only centimeters away from mine. 

"I don't know," I honestly answer, my voice barely a whisper. "Just wanted to protect you. Couldn't stand the thought of you getting hurt," 

Harry breathily chuckles, followed by frantic sniffling. Is he crying?

"You're so stupid, Amelia, but God, I love you," he tells me. 

My own tears spring to my eyes, threatening to spill over. Yes, I'm beyond stupid. I'm an idiot but an in love idiot who will do insane things to protect the man she adores. 

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