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TW: Mentions of discrimination, crying, punching, sad boi Davey, mad girl Sarah

Davey POV
The car ride home was completely silent. Neither of us were talking, and the radio wasn't on. Sarah and I just sat quietly, each of us in a world of our own. When we got home, Les was immediately worried. He tried to ask us about what was wrong, but I pushed him off. I didn't want to seem mean, but I also couldn't talk to him about this.

My room was silent. Too quiet for my liking. Everything too still. I randomly shot up from where I was sitting, and made my way to Sarah's room. I knocked on her door hesitantly, and she immediately opened it. She beckoned me inside, and I shut the door behind us.

Her turquoise walls helped calm me down a little bit, but the emotions swirling inside me refused to cease. I sat down on Sarah's bed, right next to her. We were in a half-hug, and I felt like if one of us let go both of us would fall.

"Davey," Sarah started gently. "I know that look on your face. You would not be burdening me if you needed to talk about what happened." We looked in each other's eyes and I nodded, before resting my head on her shoulder.

"I-I am just feeling so much, and none of it is good. Pulitzer is just snatching a piece of me. Something that I have had to work through and work with for years-" I was cut off by a chocked sob. I tried to swallow it down, for Sarah's sake, but she looked at me again and I couldn't. I started crying my eyes out, all the fear and sadness coming out form it.

Sarah just held me in a hug, telling me things would work out. I didn't even know why I was crying. I knew I was sad, but I didn't think it was that sad. After a while, my tears finally dried up, and I realized why I had cried. It was a sad thing. And it was enough to push me to cry about many things. But it felt nice, like a good cry. I haven't had one of those in a while. I realized.

"So." I started, sitting up and wiping some of the leftover tears from my face. "Now that I am through, you talk. Or cry, or yell, or scream, or whatever you need."

"I think I want to scream. And probably punch something." Sarah finally answered. I quickly got up and grabbed a big pillow. Sarah pressed her face in it, and I heard the muffled remnants of a scream. Finally her head popped up, and she started violently punching the pillow.

"Better?" I asked, once the punching had slowed to a stop. She nodded and looked grateful. Just then we heard keys opening the front door. We walked out of Sarah's room to see our mother and father coming back in.

"Sarah? Davey? Are you two okay?" Dad asked upon seeing us. He probably noticed my tear-stained face and Sarah's pained expression.

"No." We both answered at the same time. We walked tot he living room and sat on the couch, then explained our situation. Our parents hugged both of us tightly, and it felt very nice. Apparently Les had overheard us, as he jumped out and said that "People should love who they want and if your principal can't see that he is awful."

We all laughed slightly at his statement, and it helped cut some of the tension. We then decided on huddling together on the couch and watching a movie. We got pizza delivered and turned on Mulan. Our spirits lifted greatly when 'Be A Man' came on, because nobody can be sad during that song.

Around the time where Mulan was exiled, Sarah was passed out. Her head was laid on my shoulder, her eyes closed. I was glad she was sleeping, because she deserved a good rest after today. I do to. My brain reminded itself.

"I'm gonna go put Sarah on her bed." I whispered to my parents. They nodded and I picked her up, without waking her. Once I had put her on her bed, I retired to mine. The minute my head hit the pillow, I fell alseep.

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