Quiet in the Eye

150 6 17

TW: Innuendo, mention of rules

Nobody POV
LesbianOfDoom: anyone on?

WarbyParker: I am

BetsAndRaces: me too

FlirtingMenace: same

Finch: probably safe to say everyone is on

LittleBrother1: yeah

JackBeNimble: mhmmmmmmmmmm

AlbertoWithoutAShirto: why that long jack

BetsAndRaces: thats what Davey said


KingOfBrooklyn: ANYWAY

JackBeNimble: 👀

LesbianOfDemise: yeah anyway what did ya need kath

LesbianOfDoom: i didn't really need much

Davey: Then why did you text?

LesbianOfDoom: geeze i just felt like it MOM

JackBeNimble: is that a new contact i smell

BetsAndRaces: i think it is

Davey: NO!!

LittleBrother1 changed a name

LesbianOfDemise: hows the new name davey

MomFriend: Not fun.

AlbertoWithoutAShirto: 🤣

FlirtingMenace: i think its amazing

LesbianOfDoom: agreed

LittleBrother2: yes

LittleBrother2: now on the subject of names

LittleBrother1: no

Finch: yeah the subject of contact names

LittleBrother2: WHY AM I NUMBER 2?!

FlirtingMenace: because

WarbyParker: Because

AlbertoWithoutAShirto: why not

LittleBrother1: didnt claim number one in time

Finch: wait guys can I get a new name?

FlirtingMenace: didnt you already?

MomFriend: Romeo with the trans humor.

Finch: hahah yes

Finch: but i mean contact wise

Finch: mine is so boring it is literally just my name

LesbianOfDoom: what would be a good name for you?

AlbertoWithoutAShirto changed a name

AlbertoWithoutAShirto: eh?

BirdyBoi: ...

BirdyBoi: i mean ig it works

KingOfBrooklyn: but do you like it

BirdyBoi: tbh yeah

LesbianOfDemise: problem solved

LittleBrother2: come back for next weeks episode 'changing elmers name as well because he deserves it'

LittleBrother1: oh look the show got canceled after this episode

JackBeNimble: so sad

WarbyParker: Oh well

MomFriend: Too bad.


BetsAndRaces: lol no

LittleBrother2: mark my words, you will pay for this

Jack POV
I shut my phone off with a chuckle. I had been working on homework for a while when my phone notifications started going off, so I decided I had earned a break. My friends will never disappoint to make me laugh. I thought, a smile present on my face.

I reluctantly turned back to my math homework, a sign escaping my mouth. I decided on trying to speed-run it to get it over faster. I started hyper focusing, and before I knew it the problems were solved. It was almost like the answers had magically appeared in order to save the writer from figuring out what math the characters would be learning at this point in high school and from having to write the boring scene. Nah.

I filed the homework away and popped open my laptop. I opened it up and saw a YouTube notification from a channel I followed. It was run by a group of kids in our grade, I knew Crutchie knew them. I remembered Thomas from theatre but we rarely talked in it, so I didn't know him that well. But his videos were hilarious and informative.

I clicked on the newest one labeled 'Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts' and started watching. The video ended with my mouth agape and myself in a slight state of shock. I couldn't believe that Virgil-

"Hey Jack?" Race interrupted my thoughts by ducking his head into my room.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Medda and I were thinking of going to a movie to try and get our minds off school things. There is one called 'Love, Simon' and the main character is gay so we were thinking of seeing that. Wanna come with us?" I thought for a moment before agreeing. I quickly slipped on my shoes and grabbed a sweatshirt.

~~~Time of the Skips~~~

After the movie (and some tears being shed), we drove back home.

"Thanks for that," I said, to nobody in particular.

"Yeah, distractions can help sometimes." Race agreed. The outing was nice. Peaceful. A quiet in the eye of the hurricane that was life. It both helped calm me down, and clear my mind of any stupid and not-helpful thoughts. This afternoon was actually pretty great. I thought blissfully. Sadly, I also realized I would have to suffer through another day of school in just a few hours.

"Hey, after tomorrow we have a three day weekend. That'll be fun!" Medda said, basically reading my mind. That will be fun. I agreed, although I only showed it through a small nod. After everything we had been through, I think we deserved it.

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