Somethings Off?

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Elmer POV (OoOoOo new POV)
Crutchie had invited me to his house after the school day. It was really nice of him, and it would help me. The past few days have been stressful, with the new rules and all. But you all have read about like six different reactions to the rules so I won't go into detail.

I followed Crutchie as we walked to his home. He had seemed a little off today, but I couldn't figure out why. He was much more jumpy, and didn't seem to want any of his friends to go out of his sight. I knew that he had separation anxiety, but I had never seem it this bad before.

"Elmerrrrrrr!" Crutchie drawled, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh! Sorry I was just thinking," I said.

"I thought I smelled smoke," Crutchie laughed, and I laughed with him. Our hands touched slightly and I realized how close we were walking to each other. I grabbed his hand and intertwined my fingers with his, as we silently walked on. A smile was present on both of our faces.

We got to Crutchie's house quicker than expected, and he easily opened the door. We were met with Rosie running and jumping to hug Crutchie, who hugged her back. Wow, it is so nice that in these few day's he has really connected with this family. I know so many foster kids don't, I'm glad he is happy. I thought, blissfully.

"Hey Crutch! Oh, hello Elmer!" Rosie greeted us warmly.

"I hope it isn't a problem he is here," Crutchie asked tentatively.

"Not at all," John, who had walked behind Rosie, said with a smile. We walked in and Crutchie told me to wait on the couch while he grabbed something from his room. We had decided to play some games outside, for no real reason.

"Ah. Elmer, yes?" Sherlock asked me as he came out of the kitchen. I had only met him the one time, but he still slightly scared me.

"Yep," I answered, inwardly cringing at my very gen-z answer. Sherlock stared at me for a while, and I shifted uncomfortably.

"Sherlock, stop." John hissed slightly, to which Sherlock just rolled his eyes. "Sorry about that, Sherlock is a type of detective and he always tries to analyze people when he meets them." John explained, turning to me. I nodded in understanding.

"I don't just 'try' to analyze people. I am always right." Sherlock argued.

"Not when we first met," John challenged, raising his eyebrow.

"That was a minor fluke." Sherlock said, waving it off. "I bet what I have gathered about you is correct."

"I mean, we can see if you want." I said shyly. Sherlock smiled and John face-palmed.

"First, you are not gay. You are pan though, as seen by the pride pin on your backpack. Next your dad had separated from your mother but managed to win custody over you, you can tell by the way you hold yourself and your hair and clothing styles. You also play basketball, you can tell by the callouses on your hands and the slight corner of the basketball jersey sticking out of your bag." Sherlock finished. I stared at him, mouth agape.

"That was actually a perfect description. How?" I asked incredulously.

"Years of practice." He, once again, shrugged it off like it was nothing. Crutchie then appeared and lead me outside. We played with Redbeard for a little, and he was adorable and very energetic. We then settled down and started playing a game called 'Spot It'. Let's just say the game got very intense. Soon we were both screaming out whatever we saw and were also trying to distract each other.

"That's it!" I yelled, and smacked the cards to the side. Crutchie dissolved into a fit of giggles after this and I was soon laughing too. We ended up laying there, holding hands, looking at the sky which was now tinted a slight pink. Now might be the best time to ask him about what is wrong. I thought. I knew Crutchie, and I also knew he didn't open up a lot. But hey, it was worth a shot.

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