Clubs and Rehearsal

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Crutchie POV
I walked into Denton's classroom and took my normal seat.

"Hey Crutchie!" Mr. Denton greeted with a wave. I smiled and waved back. I was the first one here for newspaper club, which was normal. It took the gang a surprisingly long time to get here, which is saying something especially because I literally have a crutch.

Before I could think about something else, about half of the gang shoved their way inside. They were all arguing about something, like normal. Elmer took his seat next to mine and we smiled at each other. Just a quick smile that could very easily be brushed off as friends. I turned to my other side and saw Spot squinting suspiciously at me.

"What?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Nothin'. I just noticed that you and Elmer seem... close." He said. I flushed but shook my head aggressively.

"We are just friends." I quickly stated.

"Uh huh. Sure." Spot said, sarcasm dripping from his every word. I was about to say back a stinging report, when the other half of the gang showed up. This included Race, who I knew Spot was crushing on.

"Dude, just ask him out already." I whispered. It was now Spots turn to shake his head violently.

"No. Nada. Nope. Not happening." He hissed. I rolled my eyes and turned to Denton, who had begun talking.

"You all know the drill, go do your normal jobs. Nothing special I have to put in this week." He stated. We split off into our normal teams.

Jack, Spot, Race, and Finch all worked on the sports section. Sarah, Albert, and Romeo worked on the fashion tips (I don't even know why we have that in there but it seems to be popular). Katherine, Davey, Specs, and I worked on the fun facts and the front page. Finally, Elmer worked alone on the teacher announcements section, and once he finished he usually joined the fashion committee.

"Okay, I say we work on the fun facts part first." Katherine said as we bunched together.

"Okay, everyone get on the doc and write the fun facts you learned, then we will narrow it down. Do we want ten this week again?" Specs asked. Our group nodded. We all started typing, and then debating, and soon narrowed it down. The facts of mine that had been chosen were 'a barcode scanner actually scans the white spaces', 'the sunset on mars is blue', and 'a bat can eat up to one thousand insects per hour'.

"Now it is important time." I started as we finished up the fun facts. "Front page. What should it be?"

"Bs rules somehow continue." Davey proposed.

"While I love that title I don't think many others would." Katherine stated with a sigh.

"We could talk about both the baseball team and the softball team winning their championships." Specs suggested.

"Lets put that on the idea board. What about something with the play? Maybe we can ask Medda if we can finally tell the rest of the school what it is." I asked. Medda liked to keep what the play was a secret for a while. She said it 'builds up the suspense', so only the people in the play could know about it.

"Oh, I like that. We can ask her after this!" Davey added. I nodded and put it on the idea board. We bounced some more ideas off each other before finally deciding to do my idea.

"How about we have the baseball and softball team one on hold, just in case Medda doesn't let us." Specs said insightfully. We nodded in agreement and made sure to write that down.

"Alright guys! See you in a few days!" Denton called as our club time came to an end. We waved goodbye and then all walked towards the theatre together.

"Hello everyone! Pick a seat, we will be having a thirty minute homework time before rehearsal!" Medda shouted. We all got our random seats and worked for the thirty minutes. Once it was over we started rehearsal. Techie rehearsal was fun today, because it was mostly us telling the new techies what to do and how to do it. It was a pretty great day today.

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