The Aftermath

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I really wanna do a Q&A! So if you wanna leave a comment that would be awesome! uwu

For more context this happens after the chapters 'Pearl's Not Okay'. In short, Pearl got surgery and now needs Marina's help to do stuff. This is the last chapter for the 'Pearl's Not Okay' lil stories

                                                        Pearl's POV

"Riiiinaaa, can you pass the remote?" I whined from the couch, looking up at Marina who stood cleaning dishes in the kitchen.

Marina sighed at my request, "Yes Pearlie, give me a moment," She replied looking over at me.

"Okieeeee!" I chirped looking back at the blank TV and the remote that sat next to it, waiting for Marina.

Marina seemed to be taking, at least what felt like, an extremely long time cleaning up dishes that were clogging up the sink. I looked around once more to see what was taking her so long, as I looked back I saw Marina leaning her hands on the table talking to herself.

I waited a bit more to try and make out what she was saying but to no avail. After I gave up from my eavesdropping attempt I slowly pushed myself up from the couch and walked over to where Marina was in the kitchen, holding my stomach as I walked.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, putting my free hand on the octolings back.

Marina paused and then looked at me with a smile, a forced one at that. "Mhm! Everything's okay Pearlie." She reassured me.

I frowned, seeing through her lies. "Somethings up," I remarked. At this point she struggled to keep eye contact with me, but whenever she did I could see the trouble that lurked in her eyes.

"I promise you, everything is fine." she reassured me once again, this time in a much calmer tone.

I still wasn't buying it, the forced smile and her struggle to keep eye contact was a direct give away. "C'mon Mar, I know you, and I can totally tell you're lying." I frowned again, giving her a look that could tell I wasn't buying her lies.

Marina thought for a moment but as she made eye contact with me again I could see her eyes start to tear up. She suddenly fell onto my shoulder sobbing, "I-I. It's j-just been so hard since you went into surgery.. I couldn't handle you almost dying and now that you've been back for a few weeks it's been so hard on me.. You can't do anything s-so I'm always helping you along with taking care of work since you can't go a-"

"It's okay Mar, I get it." I interrupted the weeping girl, hugging her as she wept on my shoulder as to comfort her.

Marina kept crying on my shoulder, tears rushing down her face. After 10 minutes of continuous crying and trying to comfort my girlfriend she started to calm down a bit, hiccuping as she did.

I let go of her to cup her wet cheeks in my hands, "Why did you never tell me before?" I asked wiping the last of the tears that were falling down her face.

"B-because," she hiccuped, "I didn't want you to w-worry. You already had enough to deal w-with." Marina confessed, ending in a hiccup.

"Your worries are my worries, y'know? I don't want ya keeping your feelings in, especially if they're affecting you." I soothed, giving a faint smile.

The Octoling sniffed as she tried to speak, "Y-yeah but-"

"No buts!" I retorted, squishing her cheeks and then letting go of her face, "I may not be able to do much, but I'm always here right by your side!" I cheered, spinning around and gave her a thumbs up, immediately groaning as I held my stomach.

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