My Thoughts(Bad Chapter)

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A/N At the end

Marina's POV

"Don't get cooked, stay off the hook!" Me and Pearl said at the same time ending the broadcast. I didn't even try to say it with a happy tone. I pushed the turntables to the side and we both walked over to our seats, I sat down laying my head on the table.

"Rina, you upset?" I heard Pearl ask with a worried tone.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I lifted my head.

"I wanna see a smile on your beautiful face, come on." Pearl's eyes were glimmering.

"I'm not beautiful, and I don't want to smile." I layed my head back down on the table.

"Tea time with Marina, now spill it Mar." Pearl picked my head up reaching over the table.

"There's nothing to spill Pearlie. I'm perfectly fine, now let go of my face." I moved Pearl's hand from my face.

"You're not fine, wanna know how I know?" Pearl put her hand back on my cheek.

"How?" I asked a bit panicked.

"Because you're always happy and smiling! You're the one to cheer me up, you always know what to do! You're like a mom Marina." Pearl rubbed her thumb across my cheek.

I blushed, "I'm not, I don't do anything. You out of everyone should know that." I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Hey, hey listen. You do so much for me, I couldn't even begin to tell you Mar." Pearl had a soft tone and let go of my face getting up, she walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

I started crying, "I just want scream right now." I clenched my fist.

"Let it out then, it's ok." Pearl said softly rubbing my back.

I let out a loud scream for about a minute and then covered my face with my hands.

"I didn't know you could scream that loud, do you feel better?" She asked softly taking my hands off my face.

"A-A bit.." I looked down at my thighs and clenched my fists banging them against my thighs.

"Woah! Marina, stop please." Pearl stopped me grabbing my wrist.

'I'm so fat, wait... no.. Why am I caring about myself'

"Let, LET GO OF ME." I screamed and pulled my arm away.

"Shhh, how can I help you Mar." Pearl said in a calming tone, she stroked my tentacles.

"I don't need help, I'm fine." I sobbed bringing my legs to my chest.

"You don't sound fine. Do you want to go home early?" Pearl suggested.

I didn't answer Pearl and let my head fall onto my knees, 'she's caring too much about me. But even when she cares, I still feel lost. I feel like one step wrong and nothing will b-'

"Marina.." Pearl snapped me out of my thoughts.

I didn't reply but I looked up to Pearl.

"Were going home, I don't know how you can do rotation announcements like this." Pearl pulled my arm to get me up.

"I don't wanna go anywhere, I don't want to drive right now." I sobbed into Pearl's shoulder.

"True... Do you wanna cuddle?" Pearl nuzzled her face against mine.

"No...Maybe" I blushed not moving my head away.

"I heard that maybe. Let's go home-"

"We can't just leave." I interrupted her.

Forever Two (Pearlina Oneshots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora