1K Special Pt2~ A Big Surprise

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Big A/N at the end

"Aw man, now you guys aren't gonna kiss." Eight sounded disappointed.

I turned to Eight, "Yeah, no, I'm definitely a bad influence." I turned back around to Marina and pressed my lips to hers. Marina fell back on the bed. I let my tongue slide into Marina's mouth.

The kiss lasted only a minute but it felt like it could last forever, I looked at Marina who was under me.

"Oh wow you actually kissed. Yasss, let's go girl." Eight clapped.

~I uh accidentally wrote the rest in Marinas POV and just realized so enjoy~

I pushed Pearl off of me, "Eight why were you watching us in the first place?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

Pearl put her hand up my tank top and squeezed my breast, "PEARL STOP IT OR NO CUDDLES FOR A MONTH." I moved Pearl's hand away.

"Mk mommy..." Pearl muttered.

"Uhh well you see, you left the door open and I couldn't help but watch. I mean you made up, that's a big step Tall Mom." Eight teased me.

I turned to Pearl and then back to Eight, "Eight were going to be leaving soon, go and get ready." I sighed and watched as Eight walked to her room.

I got up and closed the door, "You're an idiot Pearl, my idiot~" I walked to the closet and grabbed my bra, a teal and white crop top hoodie, and underwear.

I changed into the clothes and looked around to see Pearl put on some grey shorts and her pink and yellow hoodie.

"Are we taking my motorcycle?" I asked walking up to Pearl.

"I'm allergic to exercise, so yes." She jumped onto my back, I moved my arms to support Pearl.

"Don't act like you forgot what just happened." I muttered under my breath and started making my way to the front door.

"Where we going Pearl?" Eight came into view and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"You'll see. What happened to you calling me Short Mom?" Pearl was stroking my tentacles.

"Um..." Eight looked uncomfortable.

"Let's go, sooner or later it's going to get dark. Also I hope we're not going to the Square, I don't want to get mobbed." I changed the subject.

"We're not going to the Square. Come on, I wanna go." Pearl rubbed the back of my ear which actually felt kinda nice.

"Ahhh.." I stood there not listening.

"MAR ARE YOU A CAT?" Pearl yelled which made me aware again.

"Oh shoot, umm no. If I was a cat I wouldn't be an octopus." I grabbed our helmets and the keys to my motorcycle with Pearl still on my back.

"Tall Mom are you not going to wear a helmet again?" Eight asked putting on her shoes.

"Yeah... here Pearlie, take yours." I passed Pearl her helmet and gave Eight mine.

Pearl took her helmet and kissed my cheek. I felt my cheeks turn teal. I started walking out of the apartment locking the door.

Eight got on my motorcycle putting on my helmet. I picked up Pearl off my back and placed her in front of Eight.

I hopped on my motorcycle and turned it on. "Pearl you're going to have to tell me where we're going." I tied my tentacles in a bun.

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