OTH and The Agents on Crack (Shorts)

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Here is some more shorts that I found in an old notebook I had back in 2019

Movie night

Pearl: *knocks on Eights door* Yo me and Rina are having a movie night, you joinin?

Eight: *Opens door* No, you guys always start making out.

Pearl: Come onnnn, it won't be like that this time, aight?

Eight: no

Pearl: please

Eight: no

Pearl: pleaseeeee

Eight: fine.

Part way through the movie Eight looks at the couple and sees them making out

Eight: i regret everything


Marina: Hey Pearlie? Where's my guitar? I lent it to you awhile back but I haven't seen it anywhere and I want to use it.

Pearl: Ohhhhh, that thing? I uhhhh-I raged smashed it...



Pearl: Yo Marireeee, a lil birdie told me you hit it off with Four last night ;)

Marie: What are you talking about? Who told you that??

Pearl: Callie

*Flashback to the night before where Callie is quietly watching the pair from the window eating popcorn*

Marie: thAT FUCKING BASTARD *Starts running after Callie who is seen quietly running away*


Marina: So... What are all of your favorite modes for rank?

Four: Clamblitz, I like hitting people with clams

Eight: Tower control for me!

Three: Eh, splatzones since it's simple

Pearl: Rainmaker.

Marina: Wait why Rainmake-

Pearl: Because I like exploding people and watching them cry in pain 


Eight and Three are spending time alone at Pearl, Marina, and Eight's apartment ;)

Eight: So Three.. h-how do you like it here?

Three: Yknow it's very nice, but why are they here? *points to Pearl and Marina who are around the corner watching with a camera*

Eight: Pshh, them? They're not harming anyone


Yay another chapter! Finals are slowly creeping up, not excited for that but hey 😅 I'm hoping to get new ideas for oneshots soon, I have a few unfinished ones but I've just been focusing on A New Beginning Rewritten(Check it out if you haven't already) so hopefully more chapters will come out on there. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this quick oneshot!

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