Oh How Things Have Changed

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Pearl slammed open the door to her and Marina's apartment excitingly, "I'm hooomeeee Rina!!" She announced putting down huge plastic bags filled with groceries. Quickly taking off her puffy white jacket and shoes afterward.

To Pearl's surprise, she received no response. Marina was nowhere in sight either, the inkling frowned thinking that Marina might still be in their room. So that's where the short girl went, she walked towards their bedroom and lightly knocked on the door.

"Marina? You in here?" She asked, and just as she thought Pearl received a muffled yes as a response. Pearl opened the door to find the younger girl laying on their bed with her octopus-shaped phone held up to her eyes.

"Yo Rina, what are you doing in bed, it's like 2pm?" Pearl questioned, walking up to their bed and pulling Marina's phone down.

Marina looked up at the small inkling in front of her, Pearl could see the bags under her eyes. Her eyes looked as if they were somewhat absent, her usual glow gone. "Sorry, just didn't feel like getting up today." She replied.

The older girl frowned once again, she then sat down on the bed next to Marina, "Is everything okay Mar? You seem a lil down."

A sigh escaped from the octoling as she moved over to rest her head on Pearl's lap, "I've just been reflecting on everything, what's happened in the last couple years. From meeting you to performing with you, to becoming idols and hosting splatfests. And to now, working with Damp Socks and branching out."

Marina looked up to Pearl, "I'm happy for Deep Cut, seeing them take over as hosts, it makes me happy seeing them blow up and the excitement they create for their fans. But I can't help but feel at least a little bit envious, I miss when we hosted splatfests. Even though we had to pick sides, I miss the little silly arguments we had. I miss performing on stage with you in the square. I miss the simpler times, y'know? I wish we could just rewind, at least for a little bit.." 

Pearl began to stroke Marina's tentacles, "Hmm, yeah I guess those were simpler times. Not having to worry about what's gonna come next, just enjoying the present moment. I miss them too." 

She looked down at Marina, "But it's the past, we can't rewind it. And as much as I do agree with you Mar, you can't dwell on it either. Instead of dwelling on what once was, and wishing to be back there you need to accept things have changed. I mean, look at us now. Look at how far we've come, all the memories we've made. I'm gonna cherish them, and it's okay to look back, but instead of dwelling and wishing to go back, be happy they happened. Cherish those memories and think of them fondly. Those memories will always have a place in our hearts." As Pearl finished she started to caress Marina's cheek.

The octoling looked away, blushing a tiny bit from Pearl's response and the sudden action. Before sighing again and speaking, "But I feel like I was so much happier back then, I can't help but worry about the future, about us, about everything. I wish I could have the same happiness I had back then. But now the only happiness I get is from you and trying to relive what once was. I want to go back, but I know I can't."

"We can make new memories, Marina. You can find new happiness, try new things. Reliving the past may be good at the moment but eventually, you need to let go. Things happen for a reason. Maybe it's good we let Deep Cut take over, who knows? All I know now is that wherever we go, and whatever we do, I want to have you by my side. I'm always up to trying new things, we can do whatever you want, I just wanna see that famous smile of yours." Pearl replied with a fond smile and she felt a small tear roll down her face. 

Marina looked back up at the inkling, "You're right.. It's just hard to let go, and I know you've always helped me feel complete." She could feel her eyes start to tear up. "Whatever happens to us, wherever we go, do you promise to stay with me?" Her voice broke a bit at the end as she asked the question.

"Of course Mar, I love you more than everything." She leaned over and gave the octoling a kiss on the head. "Now let's go get ice cream and play some turf wars, how does that sound?" 

Marina smiled, "Sounds great, let's do it!" She replied feeling joy spread across her. 


Hey guys, long time no see.

Recently, I've been feeling very depressed and started revisiting some of the stuff from when I was younger like my stories. It's weird to think about all the time that's passed by. I was 13 when I started writing on here and now Im 17 turning 18 this year. I'm looking at colleges, doing SAT stuff, driving, and I was gonna say working at my job but I actually just got fired a few days ago :') One of the reasons I've been feeling upset but that's a story for another day. 

This chapter is dedicated to my partner it's going to be our 7-month anniversary soon actually, I'm just grateful that through everything, they've been there for me. I know my mental health has been decreasing but they have never left my side and I'm just so freaking happy to have them in my life. So thank you, Sunny.

Anyway sorry for the small rant, maybe I'll start writing again soon. I've definitely had some motivation to do so recently

 I've definitely had some motivation to do so recently

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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