Scared of Heights

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Just wanted to make something clear, Pearl and Marina are dating at this point. My friend was asking about it so I thought I'd clear it up a bit if you were confused.

Pearl and Marina were at work in their studio, Pearl sitting at the table on her Squidphone scrolling through inkstagram. Marina on the other hand was sitting across from Pearl and was reading a book about two rebellion squiddo's from a gang.

Pearl sighed and decided to put her phone down. She stared at the reading Marina and started to day dream, she then got an idea. The squid got up from her seat and basically ran behind Marina, she then latched her arms around the reading octoling. The younger idol got startled and looked up.

"Who's there?!?!" Marina says defensively before realizing Pearl wasn't in her seat, she then relaxed herself and put her book on the table faced down. She looked to her shoulder where Pearl was now resting her head, eyes closed and smiling. "Hi Pearlie." Marina said slightly giggling.

"I got an'idea Rina." Pearl told her voice muffled on Marina's shoulder.

"Go on." Marina said curious.

"I was thinkin' since we don't have work tomorrow-"

"We don't?!?"

Pearl nodded on the octoling's shoulder, her eyes still closed. Pearl continued, "Maybe we could go to Moray Towers or somethin."

Marina looked back at her book, "Pearl, I don't like heights." the younger idol basically confessed.

'No wonder she never likes those types of ideas.' Pearl thought. She then got up from Marina's shoulder and went to the side of the octoling, "But I'll be there! I got you Mar." Pearl said putting her small hand on the other idols shoulder.

"If you say so." Marina agreed and looked into the small inklings light golden eyes.

"YAY!" Pearl said excitingly and threw a fist in the air.

For the rest of the day Pearl was impatient while Marina didn't want tomorrow to come. The next day came fast.

It was 7:00 am and Marina forgot to turn her alarm for work off. She groaned and quickly turned it off before it woke up Pearl. While she started to drift back to sleep she heard Pearl yawn and mumble her name. Marina didn't respond and let herself go back to sleep.

Couple hours past and Pearl thought that she should wake up Marina, it's now 11:20 am. Pearl walked back into their room and saw Marina on her squidphone. "Mornin' Rina." Pearl said sitting down on the side of the bed looking at Marina.

Marina put her phone down and rubbed her face, "Good morning." She yawned. Marina got up now sitting next to Pearl on the side of the bed.

"Do ya want me to make breakfast?" Pearl asked looking at the sleepy Marina.

"No, it's fine. I will." Marina said getting up from the bed, she wasn't going to let Pearl cook again after what happened last time.

Marina gave them both cereal, this isn't really cooking but if you've seen Marina cook you would know she's amazing.

After this they both got ready, Pearl put on an over sized hoodie that was green and black, if you couldn't tell it used to be Marina's till Pearl took it and wouldn't let Marina have it back. She also wore black shorts that went down to her knees.

Marina put on a white crop top and pastel green capris pants. Unlike Pearl, Marina never took any of Pearl's clothes. Most likely because she would never fit in Pearl's clothes anyway.

They left their apartment and locked it, then the two started to make their way to Moray Towers. It took them a while to make it because they lived a bit far from Moray Towers. As they were making their way there fans noticed them, some just acknowledged them and others asked for an autograph.

Both of them finally made it after a little more than an hour. Marina was squeezing Pearl's hand and after a little Pearl started to tease her about it. The shorter idol started walking at the edge and pretending to slip, whenever she did this Marina would squeeze her small hand really tight. After a couple times Marina had enough and told Pearl to stop it.

Pearl stopped and sat down at one of the ledges, she looked up to Marina who was still standing and motioned the octoling to sit next to her.

Marina sighed and sat down but then quickly latched on to Pearl's small arm. Pearl giggled but didn't say anything, they both were just looking off the ledge into the sky and down to the city.

Pearl finally spoke, "Are ya really that'afraid of heights?" She asked still looking off into the distance.

"Yes, why would I lie?" Marina asked.

"I don't ever think you'd lie." Pearl replied, "But why?" She said pure curiosity showed in her voice.

Marina stayed silent for a minute then she sighed and finally spoke, " When I was younger, me and some of the other octolings in the Octarian Army had to do test jumping. We had to jump from around 100 feet, I don't remember exactly. Anyway it was my friends turn, her name was Jamie and she was right before me. She jumped and landed in the water, there was no respawn point." Marina stopped for a moment. "So she got splatted and now she's gone, I guess seeing my only friend at the time get splatted just scared me. I wonder if she watches over me." Marina turned to Pearl who was already looking at Marina, "She would've liked you." Marina finished and then hugged Pearl closing her eyes.

Pearl took a moment to hug back she then did and cherished the moment. "Ya really think so?"

"Yeah." Marina replied, she stopped hugging Pearl and put her arm around her.

Pearl was wondering why Marina stopped but then she saw that she was watching the sunset and then put her arm around Marina. "So ya glad we came?" Pearl asked with a smile.

Marina didn't say anything and only nodded. They both watched the sunset together their arms around each other, both of them happy to be together and wished the sunset could last forever.


991 words, that's a lot! I had to retype everything because it didn't save the first time, anyway I hope you enjoyed!

Forever Two (Pearlina Oneshots)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن