Old Secrets Pt2

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It contains some smut moments, not really though. Actually, I'm not even sure anymore XD

Marina's POV

I sat on my bed, "What have I done?"

I looked at a photo of Pearl and I when we first moved in together. "Even if she was lying I still love her." I started sobbing. I sat there for a little looking through some of our photos, "I have no one else, she was the only one that was there for me when I came to the surface." I felt my face getting wet, I was crying.

I'm so lost....

She probably hates me now, same with Eight...

Pearl's POV

I knocked on the door and I heard footsteps. The door opened and Callie immediately hugged me. I hugged her back but it was kind of awkward because of my bag.

"I missed you" I whispered.

"I missed you too." She whispered back.

I let go and she looked at my face, "Come inside." She said, oh Cod she can tell I was crying.

Eight and I walked in to see Marie standing near Callie, "Pearl were you crying?" She asked and pulled me into a hug.

I hugged her back, "Maybe.." I can't lie to them.

She pulled away and put her hands on my shoulders, she looked at Eight. "Both of you put your stuff down and sit down." Marie told both of us.

I put my things down and Marie motioned both of us to sit on the couch, Callie was already sitting down. I sat down Next to Callie and Eight sat next to me, Marie sat on the other side of the L shaped couch.

"What happened?" Callie asked, I was looking at my feet but I could see her looking at me.

"Well." I looked up. "This is Agent Eight, she lives with me and Marina. Well, used to." I wiped a tear from my eye and Eight hugged me.

"You told me that everything will be alright. Everything will be ok Short mom." Eight told me.

I started sobbing I couldn't hold it anymore. Callie hugged me and Marie joined too. "Eight's right." Marie said but I couldn't stop crying.

"N-No it w-wont." I hiccuped.

They stopped hugging me and I saw Callie look at Marie. "Marie can you take Eight to another room for a little?" Callie asked her cousin.

"Yeah, Eight follow me." She said looking at Eight.

"Ok." I heard Eight say and get up following Marie out of the room.

"You can tell me anything, right?" Callie said rubbing my back.

"Mhm, *hiccup* yeah." I sobbed.

"Here how about this, i'll get tea for us and you can tell me." She offered with a soft tone. I nodded and she got up and left the room.

I kept crying and pulled my knees to my chest and layed my head on my knees.

A minute later I heard Callie walk back, "Hey, here." She said softly, I lifted my head and she handed me the cup of tea.

I started sipping it and wiped my eyes. "T-Thank you." I stopped crying thank Cod.

I looked up to Callie, "Well it has to do with Marina.." I sighed taking another sip of tea.

"Remember when I did drugs." I asked Callie.

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