1K Special Pt1~The Tea

486 13 11

Pearl's POV

Marina woke me up as usual on a work day but it was different today, "Pearlie, get up. We don't have work today"

"Hmm?" I hummed a response.

"Something happened with the studio and now they got people checking it out today." Marina sat me up.

"oH. Got it." I looked at Marina who was staring back at me. She looks so pretty, I feel like now's the day I've been waiting for.

"Uh Pearl?" Marina was waving her hand in front of my face.

I blushed, "Sorry. I'm gonna go see if Eight's awake yet." I got up and grabbed some baggy clothes to put on and walked out of our bedroom to Eight's. I knocked on the door, "Eight? You up?" I said softly and opened it gently.

"Yeah I'm up already." Eight put down her phone, she was on her bed.

"I need your help.." I closed the door behind me and walked over to the bed.

"You never ask for help, must be something big then." Eight made room for me on the bed and I sat down.

"Yeah." I sighed, "I've wanted to propose to Marina but I haven't had the guts to do it."

"Propose? What's that?" Eight asked.

"Asking someone to marry you." I looked down and my feet.

"Marry? I'm sorry I don't what that is." She sighed.

"Marry or marriage is like when you really love someone, it's the next step up from a girlfriend or boyfriend or somethin like that." I looked back at Eight.

"Oh ok, I think you should do it. Get it off your chest, and if she really loves you she'll say yes!" Eight smiled.

"What if she doesn't, I'm too scared." I looked down at my hand and clenched it.

"Short Mom's never scared. Listen, I know this isn't my place to say it, but if you and Tall Mom do whatever the shell you do and she doesn't love you? She loves you, even when I first met you guys I could see it." Eight wrapped her arms around me pulling me into a hug.

I let my hand relax, "What about work, what about our fans?" I placed my hand on my wrist and squeezed it.

"Don't worry about that, it's your life." Eight moved my hand away from my wrist.

"Hey Pearlie? Eight is Pearl in here?" I heard Marina from the other side of the door.

"Yeah Short Moms's in here." Eight replied.

Marina opened the door, she was wearing a tank top and shorts. "Great! Pe-oh, is everything ok?" Marina walked up to me and knelled down in front of me.

I looked at Eight and she gave me a nod, I turned my head back to Marina. My heart started pounding, "M-Mar, I-I gotta ask you s-somethin." I stuttered.

"Anything." Marina took my hand and held it.

I blushed, I can't do this, I'm not ready. "n-nevermind.." I got up and ran out of Eights room to our room. I walked over to the closet and grabbed a small box and opened it. I looked at the ring and smiled thinking about me and Marina.

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