Story Time With Pearl

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                     It's all a joke now, HAHAhahaha...haha...ha.. oh

It was an early Saturday where all three residents of the lesbian household were sitting at the kitchen counter enjoying the weekend. All of them seemed to be eating or drinking breakfast.

Pearl had a glass of orange juice(pulp of course) and cereal to go along with her beverage. Marina was drinking a protein shake while Eight nibbled on an omlet Marina made her.

The three sat in silence until Eight, who sat across from the two, asked Pearl a question, "Tall Mom? Do you have any stories from when you were younger?

Pearl giggled at hearing that question, as one story in particular came to her mind. "Yeah I do, wanna hear?" she asked with a smirk forming on her face.

Eight hummed a yes while Marina looked over at the inkling, tilting her head. "Is this one I've heard before, Pearlie?" She asked curiously.

Pearl looked at the tall octoling and shook her head, "Of course not yo! Gotta keep it new, plus I think you'll enjoy this story." She replied giggling.

The small inkling has now caught both of the octolings' attention as they were sitting at the edge of their seat to hear what story she would tell.

Pearl thought for a moment before beginning her story, "It was a sunny afternoon and I was bored while Marina was out so I decided to take Marina's motorcycle on a lil drive."

" that why-" Marina interrupted.

"Now at the time I didn't have a driver's license, nah I still don't I just have Marina drive me around. But during that day I felt like driving so I said why the hell not. So I stole Rina's keys and once I got on her motorcycle I didn't really have a gameplan of where I was gonna go and what I was gonna do so I kinda just went wherever the world felt like taking me that day yo." Pearl continued, interrupting the dark skinned octoling.

"Pearl is this-"

"Aaand it just so happened the world was taking me toward Inkopolis Plaza! Now you gotta remember I ain't as tall as Mar so my legs just hardly reached the pedal which made it really fucking hard to drive. I also uhm.. didn't have a license but that's besides the point! Yo I got other things to worry about I ain't gonna win them all. ANYWAY, as I was driving I was close to the Plaza and I planned to park near there so I could do somethin, I don't know what I felt like doing I just wanted to go there." The inkling paused, thinking of how she was going to continue telling the rest of the story.

After a moment of thinking, and Marina giving up speaking, Pearl continued, "Sooooo, once I got closer to the Plaza I realized that I couldn't hit the brake because my legs were too short. See I told you I have short legs, and I ended up... going into the plaza with the motorcycle. I think I was going around 120 mph, I don't exactly remember I never really checked since it's not that important." She shrugged as she was telling her story.


"SOOoo, I ended up going through the Plaza and before I could push the break I hit the Deca Tower. Once I hit it I thought that everything was fine except the motorcycle so I kinda just got up and as I was leaving the scene. I heard this loud noise and next thing I knew, the whole tower was fallin and crumblin! Haha, funny how things turned out. Luckily I escaped before I got caught." Pearl finished her story, awkwardly laughing.

"But I asked for a story from when you were younge-"

"PEARL" Marina yelled, interrupting Eight.

Pearl looked at Eight as she was scared to see the furious octoling, "Well I mean it was younger me, two years ago I think. Yo I'm mature now, I would only blow the new tower so we don't get replaced kay?"

"PEARL, THERE ARE MORE THING I'M WORRIED ABOUT. Is this why you called me saying you loST MY MOTORCYCLE?!?!?" The furious octoling yelled, finally earning a glance from Pearl.


"Is this also the reason I saw on the news years back, that everyone from the Plaza was forced to move to a new Inkopolis hot spot becAUSE THE TOWER GOT BURNT DOWN?!?!" Marina asked again, clearly outraged.

"Maybe..." Pearl answered, but before Marina could do anything to the inkling, Pearl got up and started running away to escape the trouble she was about to get into.

"HEY YOU GET BACK HER MISSY I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU" Marina got up and started going after the inkling leaving Eight by herself.


Oh god, I finally wrote something sorta real with the intention of posting it right away. Anyways hopefully you enjoyed this, HiTooLooRye helped me with the idea for this. I was inspired by the comic I left at the top, give it a read it's really great lol

Okay I'm gonna go sleep, I'm pretty tired 

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