Something's Wrong

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Authors Note: This is a serious topic. Something I, myself is going through. I am not ashamed to admit it. This chapter is more for myself, I write to myself a lot. This time it just happened to have Pearl and Marina in it, no Eight will not appear. It's not hard to notice someone like this which is why I am now getting help. This chapter is based off my experience; starving yourself or anorexia.

A lot of the things in this chapter happened to me, from the thoughts to everything. Going to be honest some of the thoughts were from today.

Marina's POV

Things just haven't been right lately. I-I don't know why but I haven't been in the mood to eat, whenever I did eat it felt like I was going to gag. Luckily Pearl hasn't noticed, it would be really hard for me if she did.

I can't stop hearing things in my head like, 'You fat slob' 'Fat ass' 'You don't deserve this meal' 'Food is a waste of time' 'Food is a waste of money' 'Let yourself feel pain' .

"Mar!" Pearl yelled at my annoyed.

"O-Oh sorry! Yes?" I asked looking up at her.

"I've been calling your name for like five million years now! I'm going to grab some grub what do you want?" She asked me.

"What I usually get." I hesitated. Ummmm.

"Kay be back in a bit." I saw Pearl get up and leave the studio.

I sat there thinking, I had an idea. I took out my phone and went to Squiddle(Google) I searched how to make yourself throw up. I don't know why, I ate dinner last night.

I was scrolling through articles till I heard the door open. "Yummy yummy food!" Pearl sang walking in.

I turn off my phone and put it away quickly, "That was shorter then usual." I stated.

"Meh, they were like empty yo!" Pearl smiled and handed me my food.

We both started eating, I ate my food slowly gagging on each bite. Not because it tasted bad, I don't know why!

Once I finished I looked at Pearl, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I said quickly and left the room before she could reply.

I walked to the bathroom and sighed, I walked inside and looked at myself in the mirror. 'Fat' I then sat down on my knees in front of the toilet. I looked at my hand, it was shaking. I don't know why.

I took my middle and pointer fingers and stuck them in the back of my mouth rubbing the part I was told made you gag. It wasn't very pleasant but after 3 minutes of doing so I felt my stomach starting to hurt.

I quickly put my head over the toilet, pulled out my fingers and threw up. 'Why are you doing this to yourself, Marina?'

I relaxed myself and rubbed my mouth to get the vomit off. I stood back up and my legs were shaking. Now my stomach felt sore, oh well.

I flushed the toilet and walked back to the studio room. Once I walked in Pearl looked at me.

"Mk then..." She mumbled and went back to gazing out the big window.

I sat down thinking about what I just did, 'It felt nice.' Was all I could think.

2 Months later

"Rina wanna go out for dinner?" She asked me as we were leaving work.

"Hmm, no I'm not hungry." I shrugged.

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