I'll Help You Pt2

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This is clean I swear

Pearl's POV

I wake up to find my face in Marina's breasts. I pushed myself away and sat up, looking around. 'What happened?' I thought rubbing my eyes. I looked down at myself and my eyes widened, 'WHAT THE COD!?!?! WHY AM I NAKED?' I thought to myself.

I then looked at Marina who was besides me, I was already touching her soft leg when I got up. She was naked too, sleeping peacefully. My eyes wandered from Marina's sleeping face down to her breasts, I shook my head stopping my dirty mind. I then remembered what happened last night, we had sex.(Or as me and my friends call it: Nine.)

I looked to the clock on my left, it read 8:16. "OH MY COD, MARINA WERE LATE!" I basically screamed and started shaking Marina.

"F-five more minutes." Marina mumbled.


I then saw Marina sit up yawning, she looked at me. 

"Pearlie. Why are you naked." She asked rubbing her eyes.

"Remember last night?" I asked her.

It was quiet for a moment till Marina finally spoke, "Oh, yeah I remember now." she said as she covered her body with her arms like she was embarrassed.

I rolled my eyes, "Come'on we gotta get ready." I said and started to stand up before I felt something tug my hand. I looked around and Marina pulled me forward and kissed me, I pulled away and blushed. "C-come on." I mumbled my cheeks turning a brighter pink.

"Ok, but by the looks of it you were enjoying that." Marina said smirking.

I didn't bother to reply and I walked to our closet I looked at the clock again, 8:23. 'We gotta hurry.' I thought then looking back at the closet and opening it. I got my work clothes and started to put them on.

"Pearl are you gonna put on a bra?" Marina said and startled me, almost falling I looked up to find her watching me get dressed.

"Stop watchin' me and get dressed, ya perv." I told Marina, I heard her grumble and saw as she got her clothes. I continued getting dressed and then when I was dressed went looking for my crown. It wasn't in its usually spot.

"Marrrrr." I whined looking at her kind of annoyed. She was getting on her leggings her breasts bouncing as she did so. 

"Hmm? Yes?" Marina answered as soon as she got her leggings on.

"I can't find my crown." I told her pointing to my head.

"Oh, uh just wait a second." Marina said and grabbed her croptop jacket putting it on and zipping it slightly. She then grabbed her headphones putting them on and adjusting them.

"Ok let me help look." She said looking at me.

I nodded and we started looking for my crown. We looked for about 10 minutes before I heard Marina sigh and say, "I don't think we can find it right now it's already 8:41."

"But I neeeeed it!" I whined throwing her arms up and down. 'I needed that crown! It means so much to me!' I thought.

Marina took my shoulders and held me by them. I stopped and looked up into her seafoam green eyes.

"Were gonna be even more late for work, come on." Marina told me putting me down and signalling me to come. 

I followed Marina out of the apartment and she forgot that she left her motorcycle at work, she sighed turning to me. "We have to walk but we have to walk fast." She told me.

I nodded and we started speed walking to work, which wasn't too far. It was about a 20 minute walk.

"So." Marina said  I could see her blushing teal out of the corner of my eye while we were walking.

"Yeah Rina?" I replied.

"About, yesterday." She said very hesitantly.

"Ya? whata bout it?" I said looking at her.

"I just-I didn't know you were that comfortable." Marina said looking at the ground walking next to me.

"I dunno, it just ya know, happened." I answered and took a deep breath, "Do ya actually feel that way? Like, more then we have right'now?" I asked looking back in front of me.

I saw Marina look at me her eyes wide, her face basically teal now. "Y-Yes..." She confessed.

I nodded. "Good I did too, never told'ya. Though, I mean I did walk in on'ya." I said looking back up at Marina. "Hey Rina, did ya know how hot you are?"

"mhm." I heard Marina, I didn't know why she did that though.

"I glad we both feel that way, oh and did you know how hot you are Pearlie?" She smiled and teased me.

"I'm not hot, i'm just ugly." I mumbled hoping Marina couldn't hear.

I saw Marina shoot a glare at me, "Pearlie! That's not true! You know there's only one inkling who's the cutest and hottest, she's awesome and a great rapper! I love her so much, did you know she's my girlfriend? Her name is MC.Princess aka Pearlie." Marina said with so much energy it kinda scared me.

"Ohhh, there's this one octoling who I'don't think I could live without! She's so hot, especially when she moans-"


"Fine, fine. She's a'great DJ and helped me with almost everything! She always knows what to'do and always has a smile, she's my girlfriend and cod I'love her. Her name is DJ Hyperfresh aka'Rina." I said smiling with a smirk and crossed my arms.

Marina gasped and stopped walking she took my cheek and brought me in for a deep kiss, 'we gotta get to work. What if a fan sees?' I thought but then loosened to enjoy the kiss. After what seemed like forever Marina pulled apart.

"We missed first rotations." Marina said weirdly just showing a blank stare. 

I took her hand and started running. "Aight! Let's go then!" I said squeezing her hand a bit, it was warm and soft.

We got to work panting from running. Our manager looked at Marina and then me.

"Where's your crown? You know what, nevermind. You both are late next rotations are in 5 minutes." Our manger said clearly mad.

We both nodded in unison and walked off to our studio where we also recorded the rotations. I sat down in my bean bag chair and Marina brought out her DJ set. We waited to go on air, I looked at Marina and she blushed.

"Mar, gotta'be honest. You'r pretty hot when you moa-"

"OH MY COD PEARL." Marina tried not to yell but said it as loudly as she could without yelling, she was blushing so hard that I started bursting out with laughter.

This was the day I realized that Marina and I loved each other more then we thought.


WHAT THE COD, 1096 WORDS, HOW?!?!!? Anyway hope ya enjoyed this chapter, I tried something new and did POV. Tell me if you like it or not, I may switch to that instead.

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