Old Secrets Pt1

480 11 33

Marina's POV

"Tall mom?!" I heard Eight running to where I was sitting.

I was sitting at the kitchen counter working on my laptop, Pearlie was out getting groceries, Cod why did I allow her to go by herself? She's probably just gonna buy a bunch of Mayo.

"Tall mom?" I heard Eight say again, this time right next to me.

My mind went back to reality and I looked up from my laptop to her, "Yes sweetie?"

"What's this?" She asked putting something that looked like white powder on the counter.

"Umm." I looked at it, "Where did you find this?" I asked looking back at Eight.

"I found it in one of the drawers in my room." She answered.

I thought for a moment, that was Pearlie's old room. But that thing that Agent Eight put on the counter looks like cocaine.

"I'm gonna ask Pearl when she comes back, but for now I'll just take it. Ok?" I told the young octoling.

Agent Eight nodded, "Ok, is it Short mom's?"

"Umm, I hope not. But I think so." I hesitated. It better not be hers.

"Ok. Thank you Tall mom!" She hugged me and then walked back to her room.

I grabbed the back and opened it, I swear to Cod if Pearlie has been hiding this from me.

I smelled the white powder and flinched, yep that's cocaine. I place it back down on the table and sigh looking at my laptop. I took out my phone from my pocket and texted Pearl.

'Hey babe, where are you??'

'Im getting food unless you want to starve'

'Makes sense, be home soon I gotta ask you about something'

'K ttyl'

She's probably gonna deny that it was her's, oh well.. I place my phone down and continue to work on my laptop.

"Rina! Eight! I'm back!" I heard the door open and close, I also heard Pearl yelling. I looked around and she walked past me putting the bags on the counter.

Pearl froze after putting the last bag on the counter.

"What's wrong Pearlie?" I said with an envious tone.

"Uhhh.... N-Nothing!" She said and even I could tell that was a lie.

"Is it because of this?" I put the bag of cocaine in front of her.

I watched as Pearl just stood there silently. Thank Cod Eight isn't watching. Or so I thought.

"It's f-flour.." Pearl stuttered.

I narrowed my eyes looking at her, she was looking at me wide-eyed. "Pearl I'm not that dumb. I know it's cocaine."

Pearl laughed nervously, "Wha? I would never." She then sighed and sat down next to me, "I can't lie to you, you're my girlfriend... Y-Yes it's cocaine and it's mine." She confessed looking down at her lap.

I put my hand on her back and started rubbing her back, "Why? I know it was from your old room, so you've obviously had this for a while." I questioned her.

"Umm so you could uh, love me heh." She mumbled and rested her hands on face.

"What the...." I stopped for a moment and I was about to say something,

Forever Two (Pearlina Oneshots)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant