Chapter 39

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*Karen's P.O.V*

I could feel my cheeks getting hot as I felt his lips on mine

After moments he looked at my eyes in a serious, yet gentle way that made my heartbeats getting faster

"Why did you do that?" He said with his hand still on my cheek

"How could I do such a cruel thing when you never did anything bad to me … you even left your family to come with me, that wouldn't be the proper way of repaying you"

His eyes were so honest that I couldn't help but to stare at them

"Will you return with me and start over?"

"Um … yes"

I was planning that I won't return, but his words … and kiss could easily change my mind


*Keita's P.O.V*

After the end of the play, behind the stage, I was called by Shiroi and I think I know what she was going to say

"Hey ---"

"Shiroooi your performance was amaazing"

She got interrupted by Emi who was running towards her, yet she soon stopped as she started feeling dizzy

"Idiot! Don't run like that when you haven't fully recovered!"

"Ahaha sorry"

"I'm glad you could attend Emi … how are you feeling now?" I asked

"I'm better after seeing that nicely acted play, you all were so greaaat ~"

We chatted a bit then I asked Yuto to take his girlfriend home so that she can rest

That guy left before us all with his fiancee

I also left with Shiroi

It was all silent at first, then she completed what she wanted to say earlier

"Why did you do that … ?"

"Do whaaat ~ ?" I said with a grin pretending that I don't know what she was talking about

"Don't play dump … you know what I mean"

I stopped grinning as my tone got serious "Because I know what it feels like … to feel the distance between you and a precious person getting further"

"Don't act as If you know my feelings … how could you know what is it like to lose someone when you live with both your parents?"

I looked at her trying to speak as calmly as I could "it's not about parents …… it's --"

I got cut off by a familiar voice

"Kei kuuuun ~" a navy haired girl came towards me "I've missed youu sooo muuch"

I looked at her silently for a moment tying to remember her name

"Eeeeh how meaaan don't tell me you don't remember meee?"

"Ah …… sorry, I guess I forgot"

She pouted "Saito Arisaaa"

"Aaah that Arisaa! You cut your hair huh? look so differeeent!"

"Yeaah ~ isn't it so prettyyy ~ ?"

"Haha yeah"

She looked, more like stared at Shiroi for a while "Soooo ~ who's the girl?"

"She's Tanaka Shiroi"

"Your girlfriend?"

I thought for a moment not knowing how to answer that

"My girlfriend who left me and forgot everything about me"

"My ex, though we didn't actually break up and I still love her"

"Just a friend"

All these answers sounded like nonsense … just then I realized that I really don't know what does Shiroi mean to me …

I finally said: "My ex"

"I seee"

Next Arisa suggested that we all sit in the park that was just on the right

We agreed and went there

Later she asked me to buy us some drinks because the weather was kinda hot and I thought it'd be nice to let them talk together for a while


*Shiroi's P.O.V*

We sat waiting for Keita to bring the beverages I wasn't planning to start a conversation but words just got out of my mouth

"So, how do you know him?"

"Hmm ~ you mean Kei kuuun? I was his classmate in London ~ aaah these happy daays ~"

Few moments later she started getting closer till she reached my ear and whispered: "Hey soo ~ how was Kei kun in bed ~ ?"

Her question surprised me a lot that I didn't know what to say, even though that I already don't know the answer

"Mmmh I bet he was soooo sexyyy ~ after all he has loong strooong fingers ~ aand a pretty hooot bodyy ~ and … his lips look sooo deliciouuus ~"

Her way of talking annoys me …

She kept blabbering like that for a while then stopped

"Juuust kidding ~ "

Okay seriously, I don't understand this weirdo

She continued: "He's not my type ~ I prefer bad boys ~ the aggressive type … though you're his ex, it's obvious that you still love him"

…… Love him? … I don't think I love him … she doesn't even know me to say that

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