Chapter 34

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"Okay now show a smile of pride"

He did just what I said ...

Looking at how the role perfectly suits him, I couldn't help but to stare

"Shiroooi ~ I'm tired of being frozen up like that ... will you just take it?"

"Ah ... okay" I clicked the button on my camera and took a shot

I haven't used it in ages ... well I told mom that I wouldn't use it but she insisted on buying it ...

"I've never seen a king with blue hair" I chuckled teasing him

"And that gives me the honor of being the first king with blue hair ~" he chuckles as well

I like how he always keeps up with whatever I say

"So ... what's all of that about? Telling me to come here all of a sudden and then giving me a king's clothes ..." he asked

"It's just that we'll act the play of the sleeping beauty and we needed a king ... so I though maybe you can be that king"

"Well ... If that's what you want then I'll gladly do that"

He smiled then added: "So ... where's the script?"

"...... Script? ... we don't have one ... we were just acting what we memorize of the story"

He thought for a moment then suggested: "How about we write one together?"

"Mhmm alright" I agreed as It sounded like a great idea

"Okay then let's tell the others"

We both headed to the kitchen and told them about that

No one showed any sign of disagreement so we asked the manager If he had notebooks for the scripts

Luckily he had ... and they were enough for us all

"So guys I think If we acted the sleeping beauty play everyone would know what's gonna happen ... I mean how about changing it a little?"

Emi's eyes sparkled in excitement: "Yes yes! That would be so fuun"

Her boyfriend's reaction was more like logical "It would be more interesting like that ... but how would we change it? Do you have something in mind?"

Naoki replied: "well ...... how about that ... the king would be overprotective that he wouldn't allow his daughter, the princess to go anywhere ... she would feel annoyed and lonely ... one day a prince of a nearby country would come to visit and he would feel sorry for the princess so he secretly takes her with him to show her the country ... but somehow on their way she would be cursed by the witch and the prince would be blamed for that ... so he would do whatever it takes to save her"

It was all silence after that ... as we all were staring at him wordlessly with wide opened eyes being stunned by how he could amazingly think of all of that in such a short time

He completed breaking the awkward silence: "well that's just the general idea I thought of ... the details come later ...... so shall we start writing?"

He took one of the notebooks and started writing after telling us "You can try writing too and I'll help you with it"

So we all started writing ...

And as he promised, he helped us all with it

He is just amazing ... in all possible ways

He has always been a great advisor to me ... he has taught me a lot of great things ... and he still does

For me ... he just means perfection that I want to reach to ... I wish I could be like him ...

Anyway at the end of the day everyone had a well written script and all we have to do is simply memorizing it

I was doing my best to keep balanced between taking care of my studies and getting some time to memorize my script

Everything was great for me ... but it was different with Emi

Two days later, she came to the bakery looking tired and she was coughing a lot

We all told her that she should be resting at home

But she refused ...

Her boyfriend tried so hard to persuade her but she was determined not to miss the practice

We had no choice but to let her do what she wants

However, I don't think that was a good idea ......

On the next day I received a message from her ...

"I'm reallyyy so sorry Shiroi but I don't think I can perform the play with you ... my temperature is high and mom insists that I'm staying home for two or three days ..."

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