Chapter 33

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*Emi's P.O.V*

She was looking at my eyes, slowly getting her face closer to mine

Few inches away from each other ...

I could feel her breaths against my skin as my heartbeats started getting faster with every moment

And my face started flushing red ...

She slowly gets her lips closer to mine as I gradually closed my eyes

"Aaaah noo I can't do iiit"


*Flash back*

*Shiroi's P.O.V*

After receiving that massage I went to the bakery ... before even getting home to change my school uniform

As I reached there, I opened the door to see that everything seems calm and normal

"So ... what's that problem you talked about?" I directed the question to Emi

"Shirooooi heeelp! The bakery manager's girlfriend wants us to think about a new event for the bakery ... but we couldn't find a good idea ..."


Seriously? You call such a thing ... "a problem" ?!

Uhh ... she's just too naive ...

I rolled my eyes to see a girl with a long navy hair who looks about 27 years old or something ...

I suppose she's the bakery manager's girlfriend Emi talked about earlier

Now I guess I know where did all these weird events come from

Emi interrupted my thoughts as she slightly shook my shoulders "Come oooon Shiroooi say somethiiing!"

"Hmmm ... what about acting a play?"

Her eyes sparkled "whoaaa that's genius! I knew you'd come up with something amazing ~"

"So what do you think about that?" The bakery manager asked his girlfriend

"Accepted ~" she smiled

Few minutes later there were sticks with the roles written on the edge and we had to choose randomly

Emi got the role of the sleeping beauty

And the role of the prince became mine ~

And as for the purple haired ogre he got the witch role

I couldn't help but to smirk at him when I saw his face, for the second time, with the expression of "I'm the one who was supposed to get that"

*Flash back end*


We started practicing since then ...

The play is not so hard and we had almost no troubles acting the scenes ...

Well ... expect for the kiss scene ......

Emi just keeps getting bright red whenever I got a little closer to her

"Silly! It's just a fake kiss you know! Who would get all blushy from a fake kiss?!"

She pouted pressing her pointer fingers against each other "...... I know ... but it just ... feels weird ... to have a fake kiss ... with Shiroi"

I sighed "okay that's enough for today ... besides I have homeworks to do"

On the next day we went shopping for costumes

I got myself a great black suit that was a bit big but I didn't mind

Emi bought a fluffy dress for the role of the princess

She was also the one who chose the witch's costume for that ogre

She couldn't find the original one so she just bought a long black and purple one, with the pointy hat of course ...

Heh I bet he'll look hilarious with it

We were about to return but then I remembered something

"Don't we need a king?" I asked

"A king? Yeaah! How we could forget about thaat!!" Emi replied then continued looking around in excitement searching for a king's costume

I know exactly who would be suitable for that role

I picked my phone from my pocket and wrote a text message

"Are you free tomorrow?"

Now I just have to wait for his reply

After she finished we paid

Well actually I paid for mine and the ogre paid for the rest ... he was like acting all gentleman infront of his girlfriend

Anyway after that each of us returned home

That night I got the reply

It said: "I am ... is there anything I can help you with?"

"You'll know tomorrow ~" I sent back

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