Chapter 41

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*Shiroi's P.O.V*

On the next day at school, I was looking for Keita

I searched almost the whole school before finding him laying down in the garden

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I said, in kind of annoyed tone

He chuckled: "I'm just enjoying the fresh air since it's not time for classes yet … wait … were you looking for me?"

I stopped for a moment "… Yeah … I wanted to ask you about something … but it's cold here, let's return inside"

"You worried about mee ~ ?" He winked with a teasing tone

Uh … here we go again

"No … cold air is making me feel bad"

Next, we returned inside as I asked straightforwardly: "Um … where did you get that picture from?"

"The one I gave it to you yesterday? You see, back when we were in London I asked you once to send me a picture of when you were a child … that picture was the one you sent to me and … "

He slowly rubbed the back of his neck and continued: "I thought it would be nice to give it to you on your birthday … so I printed it … and … yeah"

A smile was drawn on my face as I listened to what he said "I've always wanted a picture of me and my father"

"…… Thank you … Keita" I lowered my tone a little but I believe he was able to hear it then I walked away to the class before he turn arrogant again

Later that day, we had a P.E class 

( Physical Education. in short, sports class )

It was that time of the month and the cramps were killing me slowly, I was literally dragging my feet to walk

I decided to just keep myself busy and I'll forget about the pain soon, but it was the opposite

I was feeling worse and worse with every second, especially that I ate nothing from the beginning of today

After few minutes I heard a voice from behind

"Teacheer! Shiroi isn't feeling well"

The teacher looked at me: "Is that right Tanaka san?"

Before I could say anything Keita whispered: "Don't push yourself too hard … and don't worry I'll give you my notebooks later"

I looked at him then nodded to the teacher confirming what Keita said

"You indeed look pale … you should go home and rest"

Well … I hate to admit but, I owe him one …

I went to my apartment and laid on bed while listening to calm music with a warm compress on my stomach as I felt a little better

That day was just one of my worst ever

I couldn't do anything at all and I could hardly  move a single bone

On top of all of that, I started thinking about stupid things

He had totally forget about my birthday … maybe about me completely

Without doubts he's busy with his fiance, the one who took him away from me ……

Time passed then I could finally sleep and rest my almost dead body

At 7:30 P.M, after about an hour of walking up I received a call

"Hi Shiroi, happy belated birthday … I'm really sorry for not being able to bring you a present … Karen had a fever and I just couldn't leave her like that"

Naoki's gentle tone made me feel better, but once I heard her name I felt annoyed …

I told him not to worry about it and hoped that she would get better … but to be honest I couldn't stop my eyes from getting watery

Next, I got another call … without looking at the screen I could guess who was it … I wiped my tears and picked up

"Soo how are you feeling now Shiroi? Any better?" asked Keita

"Yeah …… thanks"

"Do you need anything? Medicines, food, chocolate, anything at all?"

He was talking with a tone that I haven't heard before … a serious yet gentle tone … that felt … kind of nice …

"No I'm fine"

"Stop fighting by yourself! I'm bringing everything that I mentioned … whether If you're fine with it or not" He hung up

After a while I heard the doorbell

Right after his call I opened a little of the door, I gathered my strength and slightly shouted "It's opened"

He entered with his hands full

"Whoa! What's with all of that!?"

"I asked you about what exactly do you need and you gave no answer … so I had no other choice"

He added: "Lemme guess, you haven't ate anything right?"

I had a feeling that he would notice If I told any lies so I just remained silent

"Idiot! How would you get better If you didn't eat"

He put plastic bags on the edge of my bed as he took things out of them so that I could reach them

"Let's seee ~ peach juice, chicken and mayonnaise wrap, strawberry yogurt, a biiiiig jar of chocolate and many other things"

…… Damn Keita! All these are my favourites … I can't believe he remembers that much about me, he obviously didn't choose them randomly

"Ah …… sorry … " before I realize that my arms were wrapped around his body

"Haha … you surprised me … I'll prepare a ginger root tea … mom said it would help, you try to eat something okay?" He smiled

I nodded then face palmed myself

I don't know what's wrong with me … my body moved on its own!

He came back few minutes later and gave it to me "Be careful it's hot"

I took it and sipped a little "It's so hot!"

It was literally hot … not like, so warm … It was hot like spices … but it kinda helped me to feel better

I kept sipping a little and eating the wrap I like till I finished a little more than the half then, I rested my head on the pillow again feeling really felt a lot better

"And … the notebooks?" I asked what popped up in my mind

"I promised that I'll give them to you but not now"


As I fell asleep I felt a warm hand that caressed my hair slowly

I don't know If it was a dream, but it was so gentle


Like the snowМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя