Chapter 44

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I opened my eyes with my smile slowly getting wider as I felt amazing

Waking up on the day of your birthday is one of the best feelings ever

I went for a walk in the nearby park as I was feeling so energetic then I returned home and took a nice warm shower

As I finished I didn't see mom anywhere, I suppose she went out to buy a cake just like what she does every year

I put my headphones on and started listening to my favourite songs waiting impatiently for night to come

A while later, after sunset, I opened my closet and chose my favourite clothes

My day is already so great ~ nothing can ruin it at all!

I got out of my room after getting informed that my friends are here

They all wished me a happy birthday …

I looked at the table as it was full of presents then I rolled my eyes to look at their faces

Everything was perfect, except one thing

She was not there …

My smile slowly faded away and I got disappointed

I thought that she started hating me less, maybe even liking me a bit? but I guess I was mistaken

Despite the sorrow in my heart, I tried to enjoy my birthday party

Everyone were dancing happily saying that it's a great party and they're enjoying it to the fullest

We continued partying for a while then I invited them to eat, we all headed to the other room

After singing happy birthday for me I made a wish, blew the candles and started cutting the cake

After a while I heard the doorbell as mom went to check it, few seconds later I thought that my eyes were fooling me

But yeah … it was really her, even though she came, I couldn't feel happy as she was full of bruises

I hurried towards her leaving everything behind "Sorry guys … keep enjoying the partyy"

I held her hand and went to my room, away from everyone else

Speaking with a serious, yet gentle tone I asked hoping that she would give me an honest answer "What happened Shiroi? Who did that to you?"

"I …… um ---"

"Don't try telling me you fell off the stairs or something, it's obvious that someone did that on purpose"

I reached my pocket, took my handkerchief and started wiping her injuries slowly

She kept silent for a while before finally telling me the truth "It's …… my brother"

"Tch …" fired with irritation, I opened the door 

"Where are you going?" She asked with a low voice that sounded tired

"To teach that creature a lesson about manhood!"

Having no idea about where the hell would I find him I just rushed out

A bit later I saw him smoking in a narrow passageway with his bad friends

I glared at him and I could bet that the anger in my eyes was so noticeable

He most likely recognized me as he glared back with arrogant look "What? You need something? We don't have extra cigarettes"

I got more pissed off due to his cold manner … I mouthed: "I didn't come for a damn cigarette"

I grabbed the collar of his shirt as the other guys came towards me

"Go away guys I can handle that myself … he's no f**king match for me"

They did as he said and went away

"I'll return all the bruises you caused her" I punched his face

He smirked "Hmph you're dump to act as a damn guardian … get it already! She doesn't f**king care about you anymore"

I replied after a moment of silence: "…… That may be true but protecting the one you love is a must--- oh wait! sorry ~ that's too haard and deeep for your tiny little mind to understand ~"

Getting angry of my insulation, he punched back, almost with all his might

I was just about to give him another punch when I heard the weak tone from earlier

"Stop!" She was breathing repeatedly fast as If she has gathered all her remaining strength to run after me

Looking at me, she continued: "Keita … stop … it's not a big deal ……… people … are waiting for your return"

I looked back at her … these words has stopped anger from running through my blood

He took the chance of me looking away to punch again

I took a moment to think about whether I should keep up with the punching or listen to Shiroi and return …

Just then, I heard another familiar voice

"Whoaaaa what is it? What is it? … a fiiiight ~ !?" She said in excitement

"Arisa!! What are you doing here?"

She giggled "Never mind me ~ just keep going ~"

After staring more closely, her eyes sparkled "wait! W-who's that?"

"Ah …… it's … my brother" Shiroi answered her, as If wishing it was never true

"Aaaaaaaaah I never knew you have a brother who's such a HOTTIEEEEE! … move away Keitaaa" she slightly pushed me and continued to move her eyes all over him

She slowly raised her hand and placed it on his chest as she caressed it "Nnnnnnh so stroooong"

At first he was totally surprised of her attitude but he soon turned out to be angry "Don't f**king touch me YOU BITCH!!"

He heartlessly yelled in her face … I thought she would burst into tears … but it was the total opposite

"DAAAAMN you're even more SEXIEEEER while angryyyy!!"

Well, I personally wanted to stay and watch how funny this situation is, but I held Shiroi's hand and chose to listen to her and return

Once we got back I entered mom's room and used some of her stuffs to hide the marks lefts by the punches I got

"Um …… sorry … for what happened to you" she apologized with an honest tone

"It's fine, really" I smiled

"More importantly …" I added "I wanted to ask you something"

I looked into her eyes "Shiroi …… will you go out with me again ?"

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