Chapter 3

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It's been only few days since school started and I'm almost running out of money

In my way back to my apartment I was thinking about searching for a part time job

But I don't know what should it be

A restaurant? No I don't have much cooking skills

A cafe? ……

A shop? ………

I couldn't think about anything acceptable

I'll have to deal with costumers in all these places … and I hate that …

As I continued thinking I saw a poster for a part time job in a bakery and sweets shop

That's it!

In a bakery you don't have to talk much … just put the chosen cakes in a box and give it to customers

As I was about to pull the door I saw a sign saying 'closed' so I decided to come back tomorrow 

On the next day I entered as I was asked few questions like what makes me choose this job and whether I can cook or no and few more questions which I have already prepared answers for

They told me that I can start working whenever I want because they really need more workers so I started right away even though it's the weekend …

Well yeah I don't mind spending my weekend working … It's better than wasting my time in some useless malls

"Hmmm so you'll be working here from now on huh?"

As I entered the small kitchen I saw the one who said that … it was a tall purple haired guy with an expression that I didn't like …

"Yeah … got a problem?" I questioned slightly raising an eyebrow

His eyes started rolling on me all over … ugh why is he staring at me like that!?

"Nah I was just thinking that you're so midget"

The teasing tone in his voice pisses me off …

Midget! to call a person you meet for the first time 'midget' how rude!! uhh I just hate guys …

"I'm not a midget … you just see me like that because you're an ogre"

Heh he can't reply now … what's what you get when you try to pick a fight with me

He glared at me "Hmm … you don't seem friendly …"

"The same goes for you"

"I'm friendly and nice with pretty girls only"

"Hump it's not like I need your niceness"

As always I have the perfect reply for anything

"It's not like I'll let you see it … besides stop blubbering like that and start working! customers won't serve themselves you know … and don't bother me or cause troubles you midget!"

… "It's YOU who started blubbering from the beginning you arrogant ugly ogre" I mumbled as I started working

Well I can say it was pretty successful for a first day

At about 11 PM we finished our work then we got out as many girls started gathering around him

One of them stuck to him "Yutooo can you make a special cake for meee ~ ?"

"And me and meee"

Another held his arm begging: "Yutoooo teach me how to bake delicious caakes"

I just don't understand these silly girls … what's so special about that ogre to stick to him and beg him like slaves ?

Whatever it's not like I care …

It was almost the same everyday … I go to school then head to the bakery at afternoon

One day a pink short haired girl entered as she walked towards the kitchen …

Are customers allowed to get there?

I walked after her … I don't know why but I felt like taking a look …

"Yutoooo ~" she said as she threw her arms around that purple haired ogre

He hugged her then put his hand on her cheek, traced her lips and kissed her

Standing there I felt like screaming in his face 'that's a place for working not doing perverted stuffs!'

He looked at me as I quickly looked away and returned to work

Both of them got out from the kitchen as he said: "peeking is rude you know"

"…… I wasn't peeking … why would I want to see such a saucy thing anyway?"

Well I'm not used to lying but I don't wanna admit

"Hmmm ~ so you were really peeking" he replied with a smirk on his face

That girl walked towards me saying : "Whoaaa I didn't know that such a cute girl started working here … hey hey what's your name ~ ?"

Cute!? she can't possibly mean me …

"Tanaka Shiroi …" I said

"Waaah Shi chan what a cute naame ~ nice to meet you ~ I'm Kinoshita Emi … I'm Yuto kun's girlfriend ~"

I just hate it when people act so friendly when they don't even know you …

Wait … did she say …… his girlfriend!? how could he have such a girlfriend? their personalities are so different … no … it's the exact opposite!

"You mean that guy!?"

"Yep ~ …… Yuto don't tell me you didn't introduce yourself yet!"

He replied: "why should I do that anyway?"

"Yuto you can't work with someone when you two don't even know each others' names"

"Uhh … fine … I'm Takagi Yuto … Happy now!?"

"Hehe yeah ~" she smiled

She servered the cakes with me saying that she likes to spend few hours working here from time to time …

She didn't stop talking even for a minute! while I kept mostly silent

I asked: "Don't you know that girls keep gathering about your boyfriend?"

"I know"

That's it!? So simply?

"Doesn't it bother you?" I continued

I don't even know why did I ask that … but seriously guys who plays with girls' feelings are the worst ever

"I used to get annoyed but not anymore … I believe that no matter how many girls would stick to him he won't betray me ~"

Her way of thinking is so naive … she just doesn't understand guys …

She doesn't know that they may simply throw anyone away once they get bored or once they find someone more useful for them

I hope she won't end up crying and regretting every moment she wasted with him …

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