Chapter 45

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*Flash back*

*Tsukiko's P.O.V*

Damn … I hate that time of the month when I can't get money as I can't sleep with anyone …

I need money! But how would I get some? And unfortunately I have nothing to bully that virgin with

I continued to think as I passed Kiyoshi's room that was unexpectedly opened

That jerk usually keeps it closed … I guess he forgot to lock it

Curiosity started spreading in my body and I could feel the smell of money even before entering

After moments of seeking money I found some inside his pillowcase

Pffft seriously! that's pathetic … and childish

I took them leaving a small amount of money out of my kindness ~

Such a piece of cake ~

As I was about to exit the house I saw the nerdy virgin entering

Perfect! Now I'll easily slip out of it and he'll think that she's the one who took them


*Shiroi's P.O.V*

I returned home, hoping that I won't regret it as always, to get a dress I like that I left there

And maybe to ask mom If the present I bought is good? Because I don't really know about men's taste

I headed to my room, wore the navy blue dress I wanted then got out while holding the box of the present

Just then I saw Kiyoshi glaring at me with scary deadly eyes

Without a word, he started striking me with his fist

I looked at him trying to figure out the cause of all of that

"How DARE you steal my money!!"

"W-what money?" I said with a low tone as I tried uselessly to push him away


He took the box from me and pressed his heavy hand on my heart side forcefully causing me to fall down with slight shaking

It hurt so bad that my breaths got short and heavy

I looked at him with an expression of hatred and grudge as he took the watch out of the box

"Hmph bad taste … so you stole my money to buy that trash?"

After looking at it with sarcasm, he threw it on the ground and stepped on it and I could hear the sound of its crushing

I really want him to just disappear forever … I wanted to revenge so badly … but these few hits took all energy out of my body

"Heh … that would teach you not to play around with someone higher … and stronger than you … bitch"

I remained on the ground for a while trying to gather the remaining of my strength and to think about what should I do now

At first I decided that I won't go … but then I remembered Keita's expression of hope when he asked me to come to his birthday party

I decided that attending and enduring the shame of going without a present would be slightly better than not going at all …

I headed to the his house while dragging my feet slowly

When I arrived it was late already

He looked at me with surprise, most likely shock of my tired status then asked me about what happened

Next he rushed out and had a fight with Kiyoshi

After returning to his house he asked me: "Will you go out with me again?"

I remained silent at first not knowing how to reply

All I could say is: "I need some time … to thing clearly about … the whole thing"

He smiled: "I understand … take your time" then he took my hand in his and returned to the other room as he gave me a cake and continued partying

I just tried to enjoy my time as the sound of the music was loud enough to make me stop thinking about all what happened

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