Chapter 28

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*Keita's p.o.v*

Having weekends and an extra day with no school is such a great grace, so I decided to enjoy every moment of these three days

On the first day I went bowling with some of my friends … it was a great match … at the end I beat them all ~

The next day I went to the library … unexpectedly Shiroi wasn't there …

She has always been there on Friday … but now she has changed … though I don't know is that better or worse …

I bet she's with that guy … and that annoys me somehow ……

Anyway I realized that thinking about it wouldn't change a thing so I just continued enjoying my time

At afternoon I went to a game centre and spent the rest of the day playing video games

On the last day I was about to get out when mom asked me to buy few things from the supermarket

I replied approvingly then opened the door as I felt something holding the edge of my shirt

I looked back to see my little sister's puppy light green eyes, cutely, she blinked rapidly "big brotheeer … take me with youu" 

Not being able to refuse I pat her head "Okay Mio ~ then hurry and get changed"

"Okaaay ~" she nodded happily and headed to her room as she quickly did

I bought what mom asked for with ice creams for us and few candies for her

On the next day, I got up early and headed to school again

There, I saw Shiroi laying her hand on her cheek with a sleepy looking face

I hit her back "Heeey sleepyhead ~ you should have slept well in the holiday ~"

*Shiroi's P.O.V*

Last night I returned late from the relaxing perfect trip as I was so tired and fell into a deep sleep

On the next day I was so sleepy … after all I rarely sleep that late …

As Keita came to me I was really not in the mood to keep up with his teasings so I just glared at him silently with a ''can't you just keep quiet?'' glare

He went away and I rested my head on the table

Slowly, the school day ended as I returned to my apartment and continued sleeping, however, I couldn't have a peaceful sleep as my phone rang

I picked it up with my eyes still closed as I heard mom's voice "Hello Shiroi can you come home at afternoon? There's something I want to talk to you about"

I let out a deep sigh then agreed … knowing that I'll probably regret it … and that nothing but troubles comes from visiting … my family …

… Family ……

That word no longer have a deep touching meaning to me … like in stories …

That afternoon I headed home and got in as I saw mom waitinh in my room

She got straight forward saying: "So what's with that guy?"

"What guy?" I asked in confusion

"Shiroi don't play dump … the guy you went on a trip with"

As she answered I felt anger slowly filling my heart "It's that damn creature who told you, isn't he?"

"Don't say that … besides it doesn't matter who told me … I just know"

I raged "Oh no it does! I know it's him!

Besides that guy is my closest friend and someone I really trust"

"It's nice to have someone like that doesn't put a fine roof over your head … you still should go on a trip alone with a guy"

"And it's always me who's getting lectures over everything … did he even told you what was HE doing there!?" I questioned, though I know the answer

"Yes, he said he's hanging out with some friend"

"Some friends you say? Hell no! He saw se---"

I stopped as that damn Kiyoshi barged in cursing "You got something to say bitch?" 

"Hump … ask him for yourself" I told her then got up and started walking away as he pushed me out with his dirty shoe

Holding back my willing to kill him, I continued my way, knowing that If I got in a fight with him he'll end up cursing my father again … and I don't want that to happen

Annoyed of all what happened today, I continued walking as I found myself infront of Naoki's apartment

I got in and looked for him but he wasn't there

I saw a note on his desk and took it wondering what is it …

"My dear little Shiroi

I'll be out for few days …

I'll come back soon …

Please don't worry and do your best in exams ~

                  - Naoki "

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