Chapter 35

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I was standing there with a hand on my forehead as I read the message I just received

That wouldn't have happened If she had listened to us ...

I kept thinking about what should we do as I changed my clothes and headed to the bakery

I pushed the door and entered as I heard the voice of the purple haired ogre, talking in the phone

"Yeah come here right now ... stop asking already! Just come and you'll know everything later ... okay ... see ya"

"Have you received anything from Emi?"

After asking I realized that it was a stupid question ... she had definitely informed her boyfriend before everyone

"About not being able to leave home? Yeah"

"And ... ?"

"As long as I'm here is gonna be fine ~" he said with an arrogant expression on his face

"Whatever ..."

Just then I heard the sound of the door being opened

I turned around as I got surprised ... "it can't be!" is the first thing that popped up in my mind

"Hey Shiroi"

He greeted me then rolled his eyes "So Yuto what was all of that about?"

The other replied as he put a hand on his shoulder "Ohh Keitaa thanks for coming ~ I'm really glad to see you"

"I have a bad feeling about that ......"

"No it's really nothing ~ I just want you to try something ~"

Acting all innocent he pushed Keita to the changing room

Few seconds later we could hear him shouting


"Oh come ooon Keitaa ~ you don't want embarrassing things to get spread about youu ~"

I don't know If it was my imagination but I guess he looked at me from the edge of his eyes for a second ...

"You --- I'll never tell you anything ever agaaain!"

"What happened has happened ~ and you can't erase it from my mind"

"I'll try it! so just shut the hell up already!'

I had no idea what these two were talking about but I chose to remain silent ... whatever it was, I don't need to know it

After a while he came out while looking away ...

I couldn't help but to laugh ... I don't laugh out loud though

I mean ... I could never imagine Keita as a princess ... and ... with a fluffy dress ... that's just hilarious

"Don't laugh at me!" His face got red as I laughed a bit harder

He mouthed something to Yuto in anger but I couldn't get it

"Okay now let's see If our beautiful princess can act her role" he laughed teasingly

"Wait ... what was that again?! You can't be serious ......"

"I am ... my girlfriend is so sick and she can't play her role ... and you're the onlyy friend I can count on ... you won't let me down ... right ~ ?"

"Ugh ... where's the script?"

"I love you dude!" He put a hand around the back of his neck

"Yeah yeah ... save the hugs for your girlfriend ..." he pushed him away and took the script

He started reading it with an expression of "how the hell I'm gonna act that"

Naoki didn't come today … I guess he's busy with something

So it was just the three of us in the bakery

After few minutes Keita walked toward me

He was rubbing the back of his neck while looking at me in a troubled way

He did that silently for seconds, as If he was thinking whether to speak or not

"Umm … Shiroi …… there's only few days left till the play right? And … I dunno how to memorize all of that … so …… can you help me with it?"

I usually stay away from troubles, but somehow I agreed to that

I started to explain the whole situation for him, knowing that a person memorizes things faster when realizing what's going on

"Ah … I wish I could go there … and experience how a normal citizen lives …"

"No! Not like that! You are locked in the castle for all your life, you wouldn't say it so emotionlessly like that …

The sigh should be longer and you should show deep sadness"

He nodded then tried once again "Ahhh …" he  looked a bit up, as If staring at the night's sky "I wish I could go there …… and experience how a normal citizen lives"

This time his tone was lower and it expressed the required sadness

It's a relief to see that my time is not being wasted uselessly

We continued practicing till evening

Few moments later his phone rang, he picked it up

"Hey cutie ~
Hm? I'm practicing with Shiroi …… no my friends are going to act a play and I was … "asked" to take a role in it …
Okay … want me to bring you anything on my way? Huh? Okay I'll ask her … bye bye"

He finished his phone call then headed towards me

"It was Mio … when she knew that you're with me she wanted to see you so badly …"

I thought for a moment then replied: "Fine … since I have no homeworks today"

"Great, I know she'll be so happy"

He was talking all the way back home and once we were there he caressed his cat then it came to me and rubbed my leg with its fluffy hair

"She still likes you as always" he chuckled "it's probably because you were taking the best of care of it whenever I got busy or forgot to feed her"

I slightly touched it then continued my way to his sister's room

He knocked: "Miooo ~ guess who's with meee ~ ?"

I could hear the sound of her jumping off the bed as she opened the door and hugged me just like what she did last time "Shirooooi!"

I hugged her back "Hi Mio"

We played a little with her and I realized later that we fell asleep after it

At morning I went sneaking in to the next room

I slowly opened the door and entered

I got closer and whispered: "Princess, wake up"

He gradually opened his eyes "Uh … what?"

"You didn't memorize the rest!" Actually I knew that would happen

"Aah Shiroi gimme a break …" he said covering his head with the blanket

"Wake up sleepyhead!" I never imagined that I'd ever wake him up …

He stared at me and said with a lower tone: "besiiiides ~ do you really know what you're doing? Going to a guy's room while everyone else is sleeping …"

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