Chapter 40

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*Keita's P.O.V*

Today at school, after realizing that it's the forth of February, I accidentally on purpose took Shiroi's notebook instead of mine

Later that afternoon I sent her a message

"Oops sorry Shiroi I think I took your notebook by mistake ... can I bring it to you? I'm sure you need it for the upcoming quiz"

Few minutes passed then I got the reply of approval with her address

I knew that was going to work ~

Next, I went to Mio's room

"Hey Mio wanna go to Shiroi with me ?"

"Really! Yaaaay ~ " she said with excitement then cutely asked me to choose for her what to wear

I chose a white dress with red, black and gray dots

A bit later she was done changing

Oh God! That dress makes her extra cute!

We arrived at Shiroi's place at about 4:30 PM

After seconds of ringing the bell, she opened the door wearing a long sleeves pale brown sweater than was a bit shorter from the front than the back, with a reddish brown leggings

Well ... I have to admit ... I was stunned

Though everything was simple but she looked gorgeous ... especially with the brown colors that match her hair and eyes

Anyway, she let us in as she got surprised

Either because she didn't expect Mio to come with me, or because of the really big plastic bag I was holding

Mio couldn't keep the secret any longer but I didn't mind ... she made a sign with her hand telling Shiroi to bend down

After doing so, she almost jumped on her giving her a big hug and a kiss on her cheek "Happy birthdaaay Shiroi big sisteeer ~"

I could see an expression that was different from her usual one

I believe that somewhere in her heart she has the same kindness and love for children she always had, even If she tried to hide it

"...... Happy birthday?"

"Yeah ... it's your birthday silly ... you forget it almost every year" I chuckled

Mio took a teady bear out of the plastic bag and gave it to her with a childish smile

"You know Shiroi big sister, If you hug it you'll feel sooo waarm ~ mine always help to sleep at night"

Next was my present, which contains books and a picture ... with a wish of my heart for a happy birthday to her

"Now whaaat ~ ?" I looked at the two girls

"The caaaake ~" Mio softly shouted as If she wanted to eat it as soon as possible

I took out the cake, we all helped in putting the 18 candles on it

"Okay now, make a wish and blow the candles"

She nodded and did so

Deep inside, I wanted to know what did she wish for ... but whatever it was, If it makes her happy I hope it'd come true

After that, she cut it and we started eating ... once we finished we did lots of things of bursting balloons, watching a movie and ordering our favourite Margarita pizza

It was a really joyful day that before we realize it, it was already 9 PM

I carried Mio who was sleeping peacefully and went towards the door

After opening it, I stopped for a moment and whispered with a low tone "I love you"

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