chapter 43

47 3 13

On the next morning I opened my eyes as I felt Shiroi's bare back pressing against mine as she was sleeping deeply

It feels warm … and soft …

"Shiroooi it's morning" I slowly whispered trying to wake her up without turning around because I promised not to look

A bit later she got up and put her clothes on again, I got up after her and wore my shirt

Her foot was obviously still not recovered yet as she couldn't keep standing for more than few minutes

Next, I opened my bag "here, I'm sure you're hungry" I handed her a chocolate and took one for me as well

We started eating as we looked out of the cave to see the bright sun shining upon us, the storm has finally stopped

Once we finished, I put a hand under her thighs and another under her back as I lifted her up, knowing she won't admit that her foot isn't fine

"H-Hey! Put me down …"

"Not before we arrive there ~"

I kept walking till I finally found our class in the location of camping

They were looking at us with eyes of suspect … they were like "Hmmmm ~ you look so lovey dovey ~"

"Yeaah after all they were alone all niiight ~"

"Heeeeh I wonder what they were doiiiing ~"

Seriously, they all are dirty minded!

I chuckled: "Shut up guuuys"

A bit later, we got called by the teacher and he scolded us … I apologized and admitted that it was my fault, luckily he forgave us and said that he won't punish us or tell the principal

That day we had barbeque for lunch, it was really hot and delicious

At night it was time for some scary stories … I enjoyed that part a lot ~

All of a sudden the mood got changed and they wanted to sing!

I was like "what the hell is with the turning point!?"

Each performed a different song and then it was the turn of Shiroi

She looked away with no interest saying : "I'll pass"

I know that she dislikes singing infront of other so I barged in "I'll sing instead ~"  

They all stared at me as If wondering If I can really sing

I took a deep breath and started singing while peeking at her from time to time, making sure that no one else notices

"You walk into the room
So perfect but unaware
Making you stop and stare
Everytime I heard he broke your heart
Can I just fix you girl
Show you a different world

I take you anywhere
I put you on a throne
I lay down my heart I swear
And I’ll make sure that you’ll never be alone

Only my shadow knows
How I feel about you
Only my shadow goes
Where I dream of you and me
Should I go or wait
Is it too soon too late
Only my shadow knows

I’ve been loving you so long
And now that I got the chance
I see you need to dance on your own
So I wait another day
Maybe another year
I’m gonna be right here

I wish I could say all these words
All these things that your heart never heard
But I saw the pain in your eyes it seal my lips

Only my shadow knows
How I feel about you
Only my shadow goes
Where I dream of you and me
Should I go or wait
Is it too soon too late
Only my shadow knows"

I let out a sigh of relief as I performed the song in a cool way ~ then I looked around to see the whole class staring at me with surprise


They told me how amazing it was and … in short, I received lots of compliments

Later that night I got out of the tent

I saw a brown hair being blown slowly by the wind, I got closer while looking at her

"Can't sleep too?"


I laid on the ground gazing at the dark sky

Pointing up I said "Hey! Look at the stars there … they look like two people skating!" I laughed

She looked for moments then, unexpectedly let out a slight laugh!

"These look like … a giant fish?"

"Hahaha! Great ooone ~"

She laid too and we started imagining shapes for the stars …

That was really one of the most enjoyable times I spent this year

After a while of laughing and staring we got up as we thought that we'd better sleep

"By the way Shiroi my birthday is next week, On Thursday, you should definitely come okay ~ ?" I informed her then entered the tent again


By the way the song's name is Shadow by Austin Mahone

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