8: Quest Buy.

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Oh no, look who it is! It is the Author trying to think up another way to introduce the new chapter!

Hello again! I hope you're all having a nice day/night. I made another chapter! (And i'm running out of ways to introduce new chapters.) If you have any good ideas for the story, please tell me! I will put you in the chapter for thanking people every time i think you come up with a good idea!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

*You're still staying over at the Diaz family's house, due to your parents going on vacation, FORGETTING TO BRING YOU WITH THEM ON VACATION, and them being stuck there now due to not being allowed to fly back because of the country going in lockdown.*

Am I really not living in a cartoon? I mean... WHO FORGETS THEIR CHILD WHEN GOING ON VACATION?!  You think, groaning in frustration.

Oh well guess I will be staying over for the next few months... You think.

*Star messes up your hair with a hairdryer, then continues drying and combing her hair at the same time with the help of her wand.*

"Staaar!" You say, fixing your hair again. Star proceeds to mess up Marco's hair next.

"Hey, you know the rules. Keep your stuff on your side of the counter." Marco says, using his minivac to clean some of Star's mess.

"Is it that hard to just be a little organized?" Marco asks.

"Yes..." You mutter.

"I'm organized. My mess is here, and... well, that's pretty much my system." Star says, you Roll your eyes/Giggle  at this.

(OK I'VE RAN IN TO THIS PROBLEM WAY TOO MANY TIMES NOW, i can't decide between having the Reader rolling eyes, or giggling at things like this. Rolling eyes would fit in more with the current character of the Reader, but i could change that. Help me decide please... (@das7805 I expect you to help me here, don't fail me please.) (lol) (Everyone else is also allowed to help. (please do.) )      )

*Star's wand suddenly crackles, and stops working, dropping Star's hairdryer, shampoo, and hairbrush.*

"Huh?" You and Star say.

"What's wrong with this thing? Hmm... Better check under the hood." Star says, and opens her wand's front compartment, revealing a very exhausted and starved-looking unicorn on a treadmill.

THAT THING DOES NOT LOOK HEALTHY, AT ALL!  You think, shuddering as the tiny unicorn wheezes.

"Oh, no." Star says, closing the wand and turning it around and showing you a half-empty power gauge.

"Have you seen my charger? I know it's around here somewhere." Star says. You help Star search on the counter and under the sink.

(Should I let the Reader look in the minivac, thereby skipping the whole episode...?)

. (While thinking about that i will make a list of how many chapters before some i really look forward to writing.)

. After this 2 more till the mewberty chapter...

. 6 till blood moon ball...

. 8 till freeze day...

. And then 15 more till the last one of the season.

. Skip...

. No Skip...

. Skip...

. No Skip...

. Skip?


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