23: Mr. Candle Cares.

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Hi again! Long time no see! Sorry to pop up again-
I decided to skip the My New Wand! Episode as i just didn't feel like writing it, sorry! Anyways, I hope you enjoy!



*Star just came out of the counseling office and walked past you. She looked really angry so you decided not to say anything.*

"(Y/n)!" A person calls from inside the counseling office. You enter.

"(Y/n) I've been very anxious to speak to you." Mr. Candle says.

"Why? Scared I will light your head on fire? Hey actually that isn't such a bad idea..." You say. Now Mr. Candle is no longer anxious, but terrified.

(Time skip brought to you by matches.)

"The firefighting station?! WHAT THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THERE?! LIGHT IT ON FIRE?!" You yell.

"Better than Garbage Island at least." Marco says.

"So don't go. At least you have a choice. Apparently, the only thing in my future is being queen." Star says to Marco.

"Oh, man, I'd love to be queen. You never have to think about what to wear; you have somebody do that for you." Marco says.

"You always wear the same thing Marco, you don't think about what to wear either." You say. 

Star groans.

"People would just love you because they have to, no matter how weird you are." Marco says.

You could also just not give a sh*t about what people think about you  You think.

"You never have to bathe alone." Marco says. You give Marco a disgusted look.

"Marco, please stop talking." You and Star say in unison.

*Marco then goes to the bathroom, and when he comes back, he tells you some very interesting information.* 

That damn three-eyed blue-purple arsonist. You think.

So you go to the counseling office again, and wait for Mr. Candle, matchbox in hand.

"I can't say I appreciate your guidance with the firefighters and all, and it doesn't fit me either." You say, lighting a match, scaring the shit out of Mr. Candle, and blowing out the match again.

"Actually, Marco and I were just thinking I might become ruler of Mewni." You say, right as Mr. Candle was taking a sip of coffee, which he then spits out.

"What?!" Mr. Candle says.

You look at the cat thingy near the candy bowl, it's eyes stopped going left and right, but are staring at you now.

Gotcha. You think.

And now I'm gonna hate myself for the next things I'm gonna say. 

"The thing is, Star and I have recently become smooch buddies. On the lips." You say.


"Even if that's true kid, you shouldn't say that out loud." Mr. Candle says.

"Yeah, we've been trying all styles. German, Italian, Polynesian. My tongue is so tired, I can't feel my teeth." You say, barely keeping yourself from gagging at what you just said.

*The candy bowl exploded.*

"And there's the three-eyed timebomb." You say. After which Tom takes you to the Underworld.

*A moment later, you are hanging upside down, on a rotating torture device*

"Gotcha b**ch! I knew you were listening." You say.

*Tom growls*

"I never kissed Star (Author: Yet...) , I was taunting you." You say.

"You lied to me." Tom says.

"And you, Mister purple three-eyed kid with horns, lied to my best friend. You made her think all she's good for is being queen." You say.

"Also if this is Hell, how come it's equally as bad here as up there on earth?" You say.

*Tom just walks away*

"Hey can i go back now? I still have to light Mr. Candle on fire." You say.

*Tom snaps, and you're set free, but instead of falling in the water tub, you jump from the device.*

"I can't do that, you know too much. Now I gotta destroy you." Tom says.

"Try me." You say.

"All right, fine. Battle to the death. I win, you die." Tom says.

"Then don't expect me to spare you if I win." You say. Tom laughs.

"It's not gonna happen." Tom says.

"We'll see." You say.

"Pick your weapon. Dueling battle axes? Rhino fiend joust? Pear grenades of anguish?" Tom says.

"A scythe." You say.

"Sure." Tom says, throwing a scythe at you. You catch it, and immediately dash towards Tom, slicing at his head.

"HEY! WE DIDN'T START YET!" Tom yells, barely dodging the otherwise fatal hit.

"Oh, so in a real fight you expect your opponent to warn you before they attack you? I didn't know you were so naive" You say, mocking him.

Tom then starts shooting fireballs at you, which you dodge with ease. Then you throw your scythe, effectively pinning Tom to the wall, the blade of your scythe only edges away from his neck.

"FINE! YOU WIN!" Tom yells.

"Thank you. And now, you're gonna bring me back home, tell Star the truth, and let me keep this scythe." You say.

"Fine." Tom growls.

*A moment later, you are surrounded by fire, and then you find yourself in Star's room.*

"(Y/n)! Tom! What's going on?" Star asks.

"Well first of all, I completely destroyed Three-eyed fire boy here in a 1v1." You say. Marco looks at you with wide eyes.

"I have something I need to confess. I used Mr. Candle to try to get back together with you." Tom said.

"And after i destroyed him, he realized he was wrong." You say.

"All I wanted was to get you back, but I never stopped to consider what you wanted. I'm sorry." Tom says. Star then smiles and punches Tom in the chest.

"Ow!" Tom said.

"You tricked me, but it doesn't even make a difference. I'm still gonna be queen." Star says.

"Yeah, but that doesn't sound like a bad thing because you're gonna run Mewni your way, no matter how destructive." Marco says.

"If you want I can help with that destruction part..." You say, pulling out the matchbox again.

"Well, I should go. by the way, I like your hair." Tom says, then heads back down to hell.

"So you guys were hangin' out?" Star asks you.

"Sorta i guess?" You say.

"Is he still dark and broody?" Star asks.

"Yep." You say.

*Then you look out the window, and see Mr. Candle flying away on a file cabinet.*

Dang it! I still wanted to turn him into a real candle! You think.

Aaand done! I hope you liked this *cough* poor excuse of a *cough* chapter! It's the first real chapter in a while! Anyways, i'm tired now. Have a nice day/night!


Time spent writing: 2 hours
Next up: I don't know...

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