Q&A Answers.

461 13 113

Hello everyone! here with the answers to the questions you all asked so far! If you have more questions, feel free to ask! If i get enough questions I will make a part two!


(You should see all the questions as different scenes, like there's 30 minutes between each question or smth.)


txred: Lunar do we have siblings?

Lunar: Well idk if you do but (Y/n)?  Nope.



das: First some questions for (Y/n).

(Y/n): Hm?

das: How much do your friends matter to you?

(Y/n): Well, of course they mean a lot to me! I mean, they feel more like my family than my real family does. I wouldn't hesitate to fight to help them.  ̶M̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶.̶.̶.̶

(Star: Awww, thanks (Y/n)!)


das: What town did you grow up in?

(Y/n): Hell.

(*everyone laughing. (Including (Y/n).*)


das: What is your favorite animal?

(Y/n): (Favorite animal), or anything dangerous lol.


das: How. Is. Your. Family.

(Y/n): Well if you mean how they're doing then i hope they're doing horrible or are dead, and if you mean what they do to me... *whispers into das' ear.*

(das: WTF IM GONNA CALL CPS! (Child Protective Services). )


das: Ok, now i have some questions for you Star.

Star: Ok! Ask all you want!

das: If you were going to give the wand to someone, who would it be?

Star: Well, definitely not Ludo, obviously. And also not Marco, he can already do karate. I don't think (Y/n) would be a good idea because they would probably wreak havoc,

((Y/n): Hey!)

Star: And I don't want to give it back to my mom...

das: Who would you give it to then?

Star: *shrugs* Probably either my daughter if i ever get one, or (Y/n).

(Lunar: Spoiler: it'll be neither, Star will give the wand to Eclipsa.)


das: How does the wand work? Does it work on emotion?

Shooting for a Star. (Star x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu