Patriot America x Loyalist reader

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Patriot America x Loyalist reader
C/h - color hair
C/e - color eyes
f/c - favoirte color

''luv where are you going,'' my older brother Arthur asked. ''Going to get some tea,'' I replied.

Arthur got up. ''I'll come too, you don't what those wankers do to you if they see you buying some tea,'' Arthur said.

I sigh. ''Don't worry about it Arthur, I'll hide it and if they tried to harm me, the British Guards will stop them,'' I said.

He nodded and sigh. ''I need to go,'' he said. My older brother is an British Solider who still believes in the king.

I not in either side. I hate war and fighting. I believe equal. I opened the door and walked out.

I soon bought some tea and walked out. ''I hope that isn't tea dudette,'' I heard someone said.

I turned and saw a blond man with a cowlick, wearing glasses and had blue eyes looking at me.

''It isn't,'' I lied. ''Why are you lying dudette,'' he asked. I walked away till he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards some where.

''Let me go,'' I yelled. But he cover my mouth. ''Shh dudette I'm trying help you,'' he said and look over my shoulder. I turned and saw some angry Patriots yelling at the British Soldiers.

I gasp and dropped the tea. ''See,'' he said. I looked at him. ''Why are you helping me, aren't you a Patriot,'' I asked.

He nodded. ''I did it cause a beautiful girl like yourself shouldn't get hurt by them,'' he said and grinned. 

I blushed. ''T-Thank you,'' I said. ''My name is Alfred F. Jones the hero and what's your name dudette,'' Alfred said.

''Alfred what a nice name, my name is Y/n Kirkland,'' Y/n said. He smiled. ''Well dudette it's nice to meet you dudette I hope I can see you again and be careful around those...''tea'','' Alfred said and walked away.

I watch as he walked away from me. I smiled a little. 

When I walked back home, my brother hugged me tight. ''Bloody hell are you alright y/n, did those wankers hurt you,'' He asked.

''N-no I'm fine big brother why. what happen,'' I asked. He sigh. ''Those stupid patriots were attacking one of British Solider,'' Arthur said.

I sigh and then looked at him worrying. ''Are you alright Arthur,'' I asked panicking. He chuckled.

''Yes luv I'm alright,'' he said. I sigh. ''Good...I just don't want you to get hurt or...k-killed,'' I said.

He nodded and hugged me again. ''I promise y/n, I won't let anything happen to you or me,'' He said.

I nodded.
Months later
I been seeing Alfred for some months. I was sitting on the grass looking at the beautiful stars.

I heard footsteps walking towards me. I turned my head and I saw Alfred. He smiled and sat down next to me. 

And I not making this up, his hand touch mine. We both blushed and I smiled. ''Hey dudette I have to tell you something,'' Alfred said.

''Y-Yeah Alfred,'' I asked. ''I love you,'' he said and slam his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and kissed back.

We pulled away. ''I love you too Alfie,'' I said. He smiled and kissed me more.

[Attention this part is going to be lemon
if you don't like it, DON'T READ IT!]
''Let's go back to my house, Arthur wouldn't be there, he's out working late anyway,'' I said.

He smiled and nodded, picking me bridle style. I giggled and put my arms around his neck.

When we got to my house. I opened the door. ''Arthur,'' I called. No answer. I looked back to Alfred and he grinned.

''He's not home, so what do you want to do Alfred,'' I asked. He smirk and threw me on his shoulder. 

''Alfred where are you taking me,'' I asked. ''Where's your room y/n,'' he asked. ''Down the hall why,'' I asked

He walked down the hall and opened the door. He gently put me down and turned and closed the door.

''Alfred,'' I asked. He turned and smirk. He then started to kiss my neck. ''A-Alfred...w-what are you doing, Arthur could be coming home anytime soon,'' I said.

He chuckled and pushed me down the bed gently. ''Are you sure y/n, you said he wouldn't be here till late,'' he said.

I blushed and looked down. ''Y-Yeah that's right, b-but I don't know if he going to be home soon,'' I said.

Alfred looked at me and kissed me. ''Do you trust me y/n,'' he asked. I nodded. ''Of course I trust you Alfred,'' I said.

''Good,'' he said and started bite my neck. I tried not to moan. He then bite my solf spot making me moan.

I put my legs around his waist as his parted lips met the side of my neck, kissed up under my jaw, sucked. Then he licked across my lower lip, asking for entrance, only to be denied. 

He growled lowly at the rejection, grabbing my ass firmly and bucking his hips into mine. I gasped, he took advantage of it, exploring every dip and curve of my mouth. 

He then helped my dress off of me and grabbed both of my breasts. I moaned in pressure. Then we went on my bed and he was on top of me. 

Alfred smirk and kissed one of my breasts. ''Ah Alfred,'' I moaned. He then lean down to my clit and begin to lick in.

I moan loader and loader.''Ahh Alfred,'' I moaned. Then he threw his underwear out of the door and then put in his member in.

'''s tight,'' he said and pushed it in. ''A-Alfred,'' I screamed his named. ''Y/N,'' He screamed as he pushed harder. He push it in and out. 

I moaned more. When it came out. I was breathing heavily. He rolled over and kissed my forehead.

''Are you alright y/n,'' he asked as he pulled me closer. I nodded. ''Yeah...first time,'' I said. 

He smiled. ''Me too but I'm glad I did it with you,'' he said. I smiled and put my head on his chest.

He then rubbed my bare back. I then soon fell asleep in his arms.

Timeskip [no more lemon]
''Y/n are you asleep luv,'' I heard my older brother asked. My c/e eyes flew opened as I sat up. 

I looked over and saw Alfred sleeping. ''Alfred wake up, my brother's here,'' I whispered as I shook him.

He opened his eyes. ''Shit,'' Alfred whispered and got up. ''Hide in my bathroom,'' I whispered and got all his cloths and handed it to him.

He nodded and ran to the bathroom. The door tired to opened but was lock. ''Bloody hell why is the door lock,'' Arthur asked.

I put my dress on and I walked towards the door and opened my door. ''Hey Arthur,'' I said.

''Did I wake you, I'm sorry about it luv, but...[boy you were fiance name] got murdered by those....wankers,'' Arthur said.

I sigh and cross my arms. ''I'm sorry Arthur that happen, but I never loved him,'' I said. Arthur sigh. ''Luv we talk about this...and mother told me you have to move back to England,'' he said.

I froze. ''W-What,'' I asked. ''It's too dangerous for you to stay here at Boston,'' Arthur said. 

Tears went on my cheeks. ''You can't sent me away Arthur,'' I cried. He hugged me. ''I know luv, I don't want you to leave either but I want you to be safe,'' he said.

I kept crying. ''I-I'll leave you alone,'' he said and walked away and closed the door. I fell to the floor, with my hand over my mouth still crying.

The door opened. I saw Alfred. He looked at me with sad eyes. ''Y/n...y-you can't leave me,'' he said and kneel down.

''I-I know Alfred, I don't want to leave either but they're forcing me to go,'' I said. Alfred grabbed my hands.

''Then run away with me, join the Patriots,'' He said. I shook my head. ''I can't, I can't do it to my brother,'' I said.

He looked away. ''Then...this is it,'' he asked. ''I love you so much Alfred, I don't want you to leave me,'' I cried.

He got up and opened the window. I looked at him. ''Alfred,'' I asked. ''I'll miss you y/n, I won't lie...dude this isn't fair,'' Alfred said. I sigh.

''I know Alfie I know,'' I said and put my arms around him. He kissed me. ''When will you leave,'' he asked. 

''About a 2 weeks,'' I said. He nodded and jump off my window and walked away. 

Time skip
I was running. It was a raining day. I just heard Arthur's army were surrendering or dead but Arthur was not giving up.

My c/h was in a pony but flew off and my hair was wet. I then saw Alfred holding a gun pointing at Arthur.
''NO,'' I screamed. Making two of them turned to me. ''Y/n,'' they both asked. I ran and hugged Arthur. Shielding him from Alfred. 

''D-Don't p-please don't shot him Alfred....please I only have him left who's only care about me,'' 'I cried. It was true, my mother and father don't care about me only Arthur does. 

Alfred lower his gun. ''Y/n,'' He said. Arthur wrapped his arms around y/n tight. ''Let's go home Arthur please, it doesn't matter now, they won, you still have me,'' I cried and holding his uniform tight.

He nodded and felt tears on his cheeks. 

Weeks later, I was packing my stuff and walking towards the ship ready to go to England till a hand grabbed my arm.

I turned and saw Alfred. Every since they won their independent, Alfred and I haven't seen each other for some weeks. 

''Hey,'' I said. '' y/n your really leaving,'' He said and looked at me. I nodded. ''I'm sorry Alfred,'' I said.

''Do you still love me,'' he whispered. I looked at him shocked. ''Of course I do Alfred, I love you so much,'' I said.

He looked up and grabbed my hands. ''Then stay with me, marry me,'' he begged. I looked over my shoulder and saw Arthur.

''Wait here Alfred,'' I said and walked towards Arthur. Arthur smiled. ''You can stay here with that wanker luv, I know you love him more then that other git, promise me you write letters to me everyday,'' He asked

I was shocked. I grinned big and hugged him. ''Of course Artie, I'm going to miss you,'' I said while crying. He nodded and wipe my tears away.

''Go to him then luv, I'll write to you as I get back to England,'' He said. I nodded and turned and saw Alfred.

He looked sad. I ran to him and hugged him. ''Yes, Alfred I will marry you and stay with you,'' I said. 

He was shocked but grinned and hugged me and spin me around. We both laugh. When he put me down, we both kissed.

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