Hetalia x chubby reader - the beach

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                                     Hetalia x chubby reader - the beach
                                  A/N - WARNING! Cursing don't like it
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''Come on please bella [beautiful],'' My best friend, Felicano Vargas begged. I sigh. ''No Feli, I don't want to go to the beach,'' I said.

''Ve but why bella,'' he asked. ''Cause I don't, anyway like who's coming,'' I asked. ''Well me, Lovino, Ludwig, Gilbert, Alfred, Arthur, Kiku, Francis, Ivan, Yao, uh...what was Alfred's brother's name again bella,'' Felicano asked.

''Matthew,'' I said. ''Si Matthew, and Antonio,'' Felicano said. ''I'm sorry Feli, but I don't like the beach,'' I said.

Felicano sigh. ''Ve I really thought you said...yes..,'' Felicano said. I looked at him. ''I'm sorry Feli but I just don't go to the beach,'' he said.

Felicano looked at me. ''But it won't be the same without you bella,'' he said. I looked at him.

''I'm sorry Feli, but I don't want to go,'' I said and walked away. ''Why the hell not idiota ragazza [idiot, girl],'' I heard Lovino Vargas asked. 

I turned and saw everyone behind me. ''Thanks alot Lovino, she didn't know we were behind her,'' Alfred F. Jones said. 

''Why were you behind me guys?'' I asked. ''Cause we want you to come with us to the beach belle [beautiful],'' Francis Bonnefoy said.

''I said I don't want to,'' I said and glared at him. ''Vell frau [woman], you don't have a choice,'' Gilbert Beilschmidt said and threw me on his shoulder.

''GILBERT,'' I yelled and hit his back. He laugh. ''Kesese let's go boys,'' He said. I groaned. ''You guys aren't letting him do this are you,'' I asked.

''We have to luv, you need to get outside more,'' Arthur Kirkland said. ''B-but the beach, really,'' I said. 

''Sorry about it chica,'' Antonio Fernandez Carriedo said and laugh. I sigh. ''I'm going to get you guys you know that right,'' I said.

''Come on sunflower, it wouldn't be that bad da [yes],'' Ivan Braginski said. I looked at him. ''Yes it will,'' I said. 

When we got to the beach, I put on f/c bikini but I was in the bathroom not coming out. 

''Come on love I bet it's not bad,'' Arthur said. ''Yes it is,'' I said. ''Please bella, I want to see it Ve,'' Felicano said.

I sigh. I looked at my fatness. ''I'm so fat...why do they want to be my friends?'' I thought. 

''Vell frau if your not coming out, The awesome me is coming in,'' I heard Gilbert said. ''Bruder [brother], nein [no] your not going in there,'' Ludwig said.

I sigh. ''Come on y/n-chan prease come out,'' Kiku Honda said. ''F-find but I'm going wearing a towel over my bikini,'' I said.

''Why, it's really hot out here aru,'' Yao Wang said.  I then got out of the bathroom.

They looked at me and Gilbert, Arthur, Francis, Antonio, Alfred both had a nose bleed. ''Cute aru,'' Yao muttered.

''You look good maple leaf eh,'' Matthew Williams said blushing. ''T-thanks guys,' I said and walked to find the a spot.

Then I notice some really pretty skinny girls looking at my friends. Then Felicano, Francis, Antonio and Gilbert started to flirt with those girls. I was kinda of jealous of seeing that. 

I sigh. ''Why can't I be skinny and beautiful like them,'' I thought. ''Oi ragazza are you alright,'' Lovino asked me.

I nodded. ''Yeah,'' I lied. ''Alright dudes, and dudette let's play volleyball,'' Alfred said and grinned. 

''Well can I just watch,'' I asked. ''Fine,'' Alfred muttered and pouted. 

Soon they put into teams, Ludwig, Kiku, Felicano, Lovino, Antonio and Gilbert are one team while Alfred, Ivan, Arthur, Yao, Matthew, and Francis are one team.

I watch as they started the game. ''They're all hot, why do they hang out with a fat chubby loser like me,'' I wondered.

Then I got up to go to the bathroom till those pretty girls grabbed me and pushed me down.

''Listen here fatty, stay away from those hotties, they don't deserved you,'' one of the leader spat. 

I looked at them. ''B-but t-they're my friends,'' I said. ''Well not anymore,'' she said and was about to hit me till a hand grabbed hers.

''Don't you f...ing touch the ragazza,'' Lovino growled. The girls gasped as my friends came. 

''Yeah dudes, don't you dare touch our y/n again,'' Alfred growled. ''Ve you might be pretty ragazza, but y/n is a bella,'' Felicano said. 

''Da now get out of here or else,'' Ivan said and had his dark aura. The girls left us. ''Are you alright frau,'' Ludwig asked and helped me up.

''Thanks...but why,'' I asked. ''Why what aru,'' Yao asked. ''Why help me, I know I'm not pretty or skinny why do you help a fatty like me,'' I asked crying.

Then Kiku wipe my tears away. ''Please y/n-chan your are beautifur, don't risten to them, they are wrong,'' Kiku said. 

''And your really important to us maple left eh,'' Matthew said.  I looked at them. ''Your really beautiful too amor,'' Francis said.

''And your more awesome then me frau,'' Gilbert said. I smiled. ''T-thank you guys,'' I said. They smiled and hugged me.

''We love you y/n,'' They said.


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