Norway x pregnant reader

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Norway x pregnant reader

''Hey [Random boy name],'' [name] said. ''Hmm yeah babe,'' [random boy name] said and look at her. ''I'm pregnant,'' [name] said. 

''What, your whore, how could you do this to me,'' [random boy name] yelled. Tears went on [name]'s cheeks. 

''But's it's your child,'' she said. ''I don't believe you, I'm going back to [random girl name] later bitch,'' he said and left [name].

[Name] fell to the floor crying till the door opened. ''Schwester,'' Germany and Prussia yelled as they saw Berlin there crying.

They ran to her and Prussia hugged her. ''Vhat happen liebe,'' he asked. ''I...told...I told [random boy]...I'm pregnant and...he left me for another woman,'' [name] said and was crying.

''Shh it's okay, everything is going to be okay, Vest called the others, tell them the meeting is cancel,'' Prussia said. Germany nodded and Prussia still hugged [name] while she was crying.

Soon the door flew open and almost all the countries came. ''Oh my god, [name] I'm so sorry love,'' England said and hugged her. [Name] was still crying.

''Tell me [name] who he left you for, so I could hit them really hard,'' Hungary said and got her pan out.

''No, don't guys, I don't think they deserved it,'' She said. ''But he left you dudette,'' America said and which made [name] cried more and get glares from the countries. ''I will kill who ever hurt [name],'' Belarus said. Belarus liked [name] because she doesn't like her older brother Russia.

''Don't worry bella, we're going to take care of you and the baby ve,'' Italy said and smiled. ''Thanks but the baby is really twins, a boy and a girl,'' Berlin said. ''What,'' everyone shouted.

''That's vonderful news, a kleines Mädchen und kleiner Junge [a little girl and a little boy] vho's going to be awesome just like their uncle,'' Prussia said.

''Don't worry about anymore Berlin, we're going to take really good care of you aru,'' China said and smiled. ''Are you guys sure,'' [name] asked. ''Da,'' Ukraine said and smiled.

''You guys, it's no big deal, I'll be fine,'' She said. ''Nope chica, we're going to help you rather you want it or not,'' Spain said and smiled.

''Yeah and don't forget about us,'' Denmark said. ''Yeah I can't wait to see what your cute little twins look like,'' Finland said and smiled.

Sweden grunt. ''Don't worry about a thing Berlin, we're going to take good care of you,'' Iceland said.

Norway was quite. Berlin then talk to the other countries. ''Hey Norge what's wrong,'' Denmark asked. 

''Yeah Norway, ever since Berlin told us what happen, your always quite and avoiding  her,'' Finland said.

''It's nothing,'' Norway said. ''Aw are you mad that her boyfriend left her,'' Denmark asked. ''Shut up Dane,'' Norway said and choke Denmark.
Time skip
Weeks had past and Berlin stomach was big. ''Hey Miss Berlin, can I feel the kicks in your stomach,'' Sealand asked. Berlin smiled.''Of course Sealand,'' she said and Sealand put his hands on her stomach and felt a kick.

''Wow I felt a kick,'' Sealand said and grinned. Berlin smiled. ''Ahem,'' they heard Norway said.

''Sealand would you please go out, I need to speak to Berlin alone,'' Norway said. ''Okay Norway,'' Sealand said and left.

''Ja Norway,'' Berlin said. ''....I know I'm not good with these kind of things but  Jeg elsker deg [I love you],'' Norway said. Berlin gasp. ''Dich liebe dich auch Norway [I love you too Norway],'' Berlin said.

He smiled and kissed her and then her stomach. ''Then let me help rise the twins with you Berlin,'' Norway said and put one strip of [c/h] on her ear.

''Really...your never going to leave me right Norway,'' she said and was crying. Norway kiss her lips. ''I promise,'' he said.

''danke [thank you] Norway,'' Berlin said. Norway smiled again. ''Din velkommen min prinsesse [your welcome my princess],'' he said and kissed her again. '

''Awesome job Norge, you finally got some,'' they heard Denmark yelled. ''Dane,'' Norway said and got up and turn to him. Denmark gulp and started to ran.

''Ah,'' Berlin screamed in pain. Norway stop and then turn and saw Berlin. ''Berlin,'' he said and ran to her.

''Norway...the...the...water broke,'' she said. He nodded and bridle styles her and ran to find China.

''Ayiah everyone out, except one of you guys have to come with her aru,'' China said to Prussia and Germany. ''I'll go, Prussia vill just faint,'' he said and ran to a room where Berlin is. 

Norway sigh nervous. ''Norway don't worry Berlin will be fine,'' Finland said and smiled.

''Yeah it's not like something going to gone wrong or something,'' Denmark said. ''Shut up Denmark,'' Iceland said.  
Time skip
Norway was walking back and forward. ''But what if that stupid Dane is right, what if something gone wrong, like the twins didn't make it or...her,'' he said. ''Big brother calm down,'' Iceland said.

Norway turn to Iceland. ''You called me big brother,'' Norway said. Iceland blushed. ''Well...yeah because you seem so worry and you need to stop freaking out,'' Iceland said.

Then Prussia came and touch Norway's shoulder. ''Are you going to take very good care of meine kleine Schwester [my little sister],'' He asked. ''Ja,'' Norway said.

''Then the awesome me give you the blessing of marrying mein awesome schwester,'' Prussia said and grinned.

China came out and smiled. ''They here, and Berlin is doing just fine just tired so please don't be load, America, Denmark, Prussia aru,'' China said. ''Hey,'' they said together and everyone went in and saw Berlin holding two twins.

One a girl and other a boy. The countries aw at the site of new countries. Norway smiled. 

''Say hello to Bergen and München,'' Berlin said. ''Wait a minute Bergen is my states,'' Norway said. Berlin smiled.

''I know that's vhy I name him that,'' Berlin said. ''...[Name] Beilschmidt of Berlin, will you marry me,'' Norway asked and kneel down. Tears went on Berlin cheeks. ''Ja, ja thousands of yes, and Norway come and met your new son and daughter,'' Berlin said.

Norway gulp and walk up to her. He then saw the sleeping babies. He smiled and kissed Berlin. ''Takk [thank you] for letting me taking care of them and you Berlin,'' Norway said. Berlin smiled.

''Your welcome Norway,'' she mutter and fell asleep on his shoulder. The other countries smiled. 

Ukraine, Vietnam, Belgium, Seychelles Belarus, are the aunts, Prussia, Germany, Iceland, Finland, Denmark and Sweden are the uncles, Sealand, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, England, Romania, Hong Kong, S. Korea, France, America, N. Italy, and S. Italy  Canada and Spain are big brothers, China, Switzerland is the Godfather, and Hungary, Liechtenstein, Taiwan are the Godmothers.

Extra ending

Few years later, the twins are now five and Berlin, Norway, Nordics, Axis and Allies are at the mall finding the baby nursery. ''Higher Uncle Prussia, Higher,'' München said, she had long [c/h] hair like her mother with a red bow on her hair and her eyes are purple like her father and speak Norwegian must . 

''Okay mein almost awesome as me Nichte [niece],'' Prussia said and life her higher. München is like her mother, hyper and exited. 
''You guys go on a head,'' Berlin said. ''But Mutti I don't want to leave with out you or Vati,'' Bergen said.

He had his father's light color hair and his mother [c/e] and he's smart like his father and very shy, and he doesn't like his uncle Denmark that much just like Norway and speak German must.

''Go ahead sweetie, mutti isn't going any where and you got your uncles with you,'' she said.

''But I don't like Uncle Denmark,'' He mutter and glare at Denmark. ''Serious Norge what did you tell the kid about me,' 'Denmark asked and got a little freak out. 
''Come on Bergen, I promise I won't let Denmark hurt you,'' Finland said and smiled. Bergen sigh and grabbed Finland's hand and they begin to walk to the store.

''What's wrong,'' Norway asked. ''Nothing's vrong, vhat do you mean Norway,'' Berlin asked. ''Your lying Berlin, you know I can sense it,'' Norway said. Berlin sigh.

''Hey [name] is that you,'' they heard a voice said. They turn and saw [random boy name] there smiling. Norway hugged Berlin tight.

''Oh hi [random boy name], how's [random girl name],'' Berlin asked. ''Eh we broke up, she was cheating on me, so where's the kids,'' he asked and look around. Norway then walk to [random boy name] calm and then punch him.

''You stay away from my wife and kids. you hear me,'' Norway threaten. ''Okay okay man I'm out of here,'' [random boy name] said and ran away.

''Norway,'' Berlin asked. ''I'm okay let's catch up to the kids shall we,'' Norway said and smiled. Berlin kissed his lips. ''Okay then let's go,'' she said and grabbed his hand and they begin to ran to the store.

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