N. Italy x reader x S. Italy

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N. Italy x reader x S. Italy

I was walking with my best friends. Felicano Vargas and Lovino Vargas. ''So bella what do you want to tell us about,'' Felicano asked. I tried not to cry.

''Idiot Raggaza what's wrong,'' Lovino yelled. ''I'm Moving to America,'' I said. They froze.

''When,'' Felicano asked. ''Today,'' I said. ''What,'' both of them yelled. ''My Madre told me today,'' I said and cry.

''When are you coming back,'' Felicano asked and started to cry. ''Never,'' I whispered. ''What,'' they yelled.'' I'm sorry guys,'' I said and ran away crying. 

Years past since I last saw them but I got a bad accident and forgot them.

I'm now 19 years old and was living by myself. I sigh as I look around. No cars. So I walk in the crosswalk then heard a van coming. I turn and saw the van going to hit me but someone grabbed me. 

''Be careful idiot raggaza,'' the man said. ''Hey don't you dare call me idiot,'' I yelled. The man roll his eyes.

''How can you not know me idiot raggaza,'' the man said. ''Hey buddy I don't even know you,'' I snapped. ''Oh bella its you  I can't believe it,'' I heard another man said and hugged me.

'' Hey buddy you got a wrong girl I have no idea who you are,'' I said.

''Its me, Felicano Vargas and my big brother Lovino Vargas we were best friends,'' Felicano said. ''Sorry don't know you,'' I said and walk away. But Lovino grabbed my wrist hard.

''WHAT THE F... DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW US,'' He yelled. ''Leave me alone your hurting me,'' I begged.

He let go and Felicano went crying. ''I'm sorry but I don't know you,'' I said and walk away.'' Wait what's that,'' Lovino asked and point at my scar on my head cover with my bangs.

''Oh...this I got this in a bad accident and kinda of lose my memories,'' I said. Their mouth flew open. I walk away and hearing them yelling my name.

I was at home reading a book till I heard a knock on my door. I open and saw them again. '' How did you guys find me,'' I screamed.'' Your Madre told us and she told us to give you this book,'' Felicano said and hand me a book.

I open it and saw me and them smiling. Then I fell to the floor but Lovino caught me. ''Idiot Raggaza are you alright,'' he asked. I put my hand on his face then black out.

I woke up hearing cryings. I then remember everything. I saw Felicano crying and so did Lovino.

''Guys I remember,'' I yelled and hugged them. '' Bella your sure,'' they asked. I was crying and nodded. They smile big. ''DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN IDIOT RAGGAZA,'' Lovino yelled and hugged me. ''Don't worry I won't,'' I said.

''[Name]...we te amor you,'' They both said and kiss my cheeks. I smile and first Kiss Lovino in the lips then Felicano. ''I miss you guys,'' I said. They smirk and we all hugged.
The end

Hetalia x reader one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora