America x Witch! reader PTI

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America x Witch! reader PTI 

There was a small town, down there was a c/h hair girl tied up on the cross while the town people shouts.

The girl head bowing down crying. A young blond hair man with a cowlick and wearing glasses and had blue eyes.

Tears went on his cheeks as he tried to past these people to the girl. The girl kept crying. How did this happen?
Flash back end
A c/h hair girl who was wearing a long f/c dress was walking down in the town holding a basket of flowers.

She then bumped into someone and they both fell on the ground. ''oh I'm so sorry,'' the girl said as she saw the young man.

The young man laugh. ''It's fine dudette,'' the young man said. When they both looked at each other eyes, they blushed.

'' name is Alfred F Jones, what's your dudette,'' Alfred asked. ''Oh my name is...oh no I'm late,'' the girl said and saw what time it is on the clock in the town. She got up and ran.

''Wait,'' Alfred said and grabbed her arm. ''Please tell me what's your name dudette,'' Alfred asked.

''Y/n, my name is y/n,'' Y/n said and smiled. Alfred let go and smiled. ''Y/n, we will met again till then,'' he said. Y/n blushed and nodded and ran away.

Alfred smiled and walked away. Y/n then ran and saw a shop. She opened the door and went inside.

''Arthur, I'm so sorry I'm late,'' Y/n said. Then a blond hair young man with large eyebrows came and smiled. 

''It's no problem love, your here now, ready to start,'' he asked. Y/n nodded. ''Everyone the store is closing,'' Arthur yelled.

Everyone was walking away and Arthur pulled y/n close. ''I got some more magic my dear that will come in handy,'' Arthur whispered in her ear.

Y/n blushed. Yes Y/n is a witch and Arthur is a wizard, they could get killed if anyone finds out about their secret. 

When everyone left, Arthur grabbed y/n's hand and they walked towards a book shelf. Arthur pulled one book and the book shelf move and saw a secret door. They walked in.

''Ready love,'' he asked. Y/n didn't answer just kept thinking of Alfred. ''Y/n love are you alright,'' Arthur asked.

Y/n blink. ''oh yeah Arthur I'm fine, just thinking,'' Y/n said. ''Thinking of what love,'' Arthur asked.

''Well I met this boy at the market and...I-I think I like like him,'' y/n said. Arthur was quite.

''Y/n you can't just fallen in love with...with a human that fast, they won't understand,'' Arthur said.

''But..But Arthur, he's diffrent I know he is, I felt his aura, he's good,'' y/n said. ''No! I forbid you to come anywhere with that git,'' Arthur yelled. 

Tears went on y/n's cheeks. ''Fine, I hate being a witch, it's a burden for me,'' y/n yelled and ran away crying.

Arthur sigh and went back on the spell. Y/n ran out of the library and then bumped into someone. 

Y/n looked up and saw Alfred. ''Hey we met again miss y/n,'' Alfred said and smiled till he notice y/n was crying.

''Y-y/n what wrong,'' Alfred asked. ''Oh Alfred, I can't be with you,'' y/n said. ''What-what do you mean,'' he asked and grabbed her both hands.

Y/n taking deep breaths. ''Y-you wouldn't understand Alfred,'' Y/n said and walked away. Alfred grabbed her both hands with his.

''Dudette, listen I would understand..please I want to help you,'' he said. ''But why, we just met Alfred why would you want to help me,'' y/n whispered.

He smiled and put her chin up to make her to look at him. ''Cause dudette, I think I..I-I'm in love with you, y/n,'' Alfred said and kissed her lips.

Y/n closed her eyes and kissed back. He put his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. 

Arthur was trying to find y/n till he saw Alfred and y/n kissing. Arthur clench his fists. ''I won't let him take her,'' he said and was gone.

When Alfred and y/n broke apart. ''Alfred..I..I-I have a secret...a dark secret,'' y/n whispered.

Alfred put his figure on her chin and pulled her chin up. ''Dudette I don't care what secret you had,'' He said and smiled.

Y/n put her hand on his and smiled sadly. ''I..I-I'm a witch Alfred,'' she whispered on his ear.

Alfred froze and looked at her. ''Are..are you controlling me then,'' he asked. Y/n shook her head.

''My powers aren't that strong Alfred,'' y/n explained. ''Then who cares,'' he said and kissed her again.

Y/n smiled and giggled. Alfred grinned and picked her up and spin her. ''Alfred stop it,'' y/n said and laughs.

Everything was right....till one night. Y/n was asleep next to Alfred. Alfred smiled and kissed her cheek and rubbed her bare back.   

Y/n opened her c/e eyes and looked at Alfred. She smiled. Alfred put his arms around her bare stomach and pulled her closer to his bare chest.

Then the door knocked. Alfred was confused so was y/n. ''I'll get that,'' he said and got up and put his pants on.

''Okay,'' Y/n said. Alfred went to check on door but didn't came back. Then the knock came again for a while.

Y/n got up and put her gown on and went towards the door and saw then anger mob. They saw her.

''There she is, the witch get her,'' a man yelled. Y/n gulp and walked backwards. Those angry mobs came in. 

''ALFRED,'' Y/n yelled. But no answer. Y/n then felt tears on her as they came closer. One of them grabbed a sack and put it on her. 

She screamed but someone then hit her head which made her knocked out. When y/n woke up and saw she was tied up and was in a rag cloths. 

And saw the whole town yelling at her. ''YOU DON'T BELONG HERE,'' One men yelled.
Flashback end
And it was all because she love a human. ''Burn her, Burn her,'' the village yelled. ''Arthur...I'm so so sorry, you-you were right,'' y/n whispered and kept crying.

Then y/n saw Alfred. She glare at him still crying. ''Y/n,'' he whispered and tried to get close.

''I hate you Alfred F. Jones,'' y/n yelled. ''BURN HER, BURN HER,'' They kept yelled. Then they heard someone casting spell, they turn and saw Arthur in his cloak and he was laughing.

Y/n was crying and smiling. ''Let y/n go or I'll put a curse on all of you,'' Arthur yelled. All everyone was shaking.

Arthur then walked past Alfred and then got up stage and untied y/n. Y/n fell on his arms. 

''Y/n I try to warn you about him,'' Arthur said. Y/n nodded. ''I'm sorry Arthur, let's get out of here,'' Y/n said.

Arthur smiled and picked her bridle style. ''Y/n wait don't go with him, I need to tell you something,'' Alfred yelled and running towards y/n.  

Arthur smirk and held y/n tight and whispered something spell and they weregone. Alfred fell on his knees crying.

''Oh y/n, it wasn't me that was telling the village about your secret, it was him,'' Alfred cried and kept crying.


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