Adult Holy Rome x human reader

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Adult  Holy Rome x human  reader

I remember when I was little and playing with my mother, I saw a kid my age.

Flash back
''Higher mama higher,'' 5 year old me said and giggled. Mother smiled and she throw me up in the air and caught me. 

I then notice a boy my age in a river hurt. I got off mama, she look confuse and she called for me but I ran to the boy.

He was hurt. ''Mama, papa help,'' I screamed. Then Mother and father ran and saw the boy. Father pick him up and ran to the house. Mother hold me saying everything's alright.

Weeks past and the boy woke up from coma. ''We found you in the river bleeding everywhere, what happen,'' father asked. The boy was confuse. ''I...don't remember,'' He said. 

''So you don't know your name,'' I asked. He was quite for a minute then nodded. ''Well how about Gabriel,'' Mother asked. He nodded. ''Yay you and me Gabriel, we're going to be friends,'' I said and hugged him. He blushed.
Flash back end
I smiled as I remember. ''[Name] are you alright,'' Gabriel asked me. I smiled and nodded. ''Yeah I okay Gabriel, just remember the first time we met,'' I said. He blushed and look away.

''Hey [name], I vant to talk to you about something,'' he said. ''Okay what is it,'' I asked. He sigh. ''I've been lying to you and your family about who I really am and vhat happen to me,'' He said.

I gasp. ''My name is Holy Rome Empire and I vas in a var vith France, he thought he killed me but you found me and saved me,'' he said. '

'But you were just a little boy,'' I said. He sigh and nodded. Tears went on my cheeks. ''[Name],'' Gabriel...I mean Holy Rome said.

''Why didn't you tell me, I would understand,'' I said. ''[Name], I just vanted to forget my past, I never vanted to hurt you,'' He said and reach for me. 

''Don't touch me,'' I yelled. He was shock, I never yelled at him before.

''How can I ever trust you Gabriel or Holy Rome whatever you are,'' I yelled. He was quite and then started to cry.

''I'm sorry, I lied to you [name], really, I just don't want to go back to my painful past,'' he cried.

I was guilty then walk over to him and hugged him. ''It's okay Gabriel, you know what, I'll come with you and you can go home,'' I said.

''Really,'' He asked. I smiled and nodded. He smiled and hugged me. ''Danke [name],'' he whispered.

''Now let's go,'' I said and grabbed his hand. ''Now,'' he asked. ''Yeah now silly,'' I said and smiled.
Time skip
Then we got to a mansion. ''Is this really where you live,'' I asked. He smiled. ''Ja,'' he said and knock on the door. Then a woman opened the door. ''Yes,'' she said. ''Hungary it's me Holy Rome,'' Gabriel said.

Then tears went on her cheeks and she hugged him. ''Austria come out here,'' she shouted then saw me. ''This is [name], she took care of me vhen I vas vounded,'' Gabriel said.

''Thank you for taking care of him,'' Hungary said and smiled. ''Your welcome,'' I said. 
Then a man came here and saw Gabriel. ''Holy Rome,'' He asked. Gabriel smiled. ''Hello Mister Austria,'' he said.
Time skip again
It was getting late. ''I should really get back home,'' I said. ''I'll come too,'' Holy Rome said and got up. I smiled then the door opened. We all turn and saw an Albino man and Blond man and a brown hair man with a curl.

''Bruder,'' He asked. Gabriel smiled. ''Hallo Prussia,'' He said. Tears went on Prussia's cheeks and ran to him and hugged Gabriel. ''The...the awesome me thought...,France killed you,'' Prussia said.

''Nein he vounded me, I vas about to die till [name] save me,'' Gabriel said and smile at me. Prussia then look at me and grinned. ''danke for saving my bruder frau,'' he said and smiled. ''Your welcome,'' I said.

''...Holy Rome,'' the man asked. Gabriel turn and then saw him. ''Italy,'' he asked. The room was quite. Tears went on Italy's cheeks and hugged Gabriel.

''I...thought you were dead but I-a very-a glad your-a not ve,'' Italy said and hugged him. Gabriel then blush then smiled and hugged back. I smiled and walk away knowing this is were he belongs not with me.

I got on my horse and was about to ride away. ''[Name] vhere are you going,'' Gabriel asked. I turn and smiled weakly. ''I'm going home Gabriel, this is yours and I think they want you to stay with them,'' I said.

''Vait, don't go, if you think Italy and I have a thing, ve don't, ve're just friends, ve kiss but friends,'' Gabriel said then stop talking. ''You...kiss a boy,'' I asked. ''Vell...I thought he vas a girl,'' Gabriel said.

''I'm okay Gabriel...I mean Holy Rome, you go back to your real family. I'm going back to mine,'' I said.

''Nien, I going vith you [name],'' he said. I look at him. ''Holy Rome,'' I begin. ''I told everyone that my heart belong to you and only you,'' He said and got on my horse too. 

''Are you sure,'' I asked. He smiled and nodded. ''So that's how you tell someone you love them huh,'' I tease. He blushed. ''Ha just kidding, I love you too Gabriel,'' I said and kissed him and he kissed back.

''And I met my other bruder, Germany, he's seem kinda of scary too,'' Gabriel said. I laugh. ''Let's go home Gabriel,'' I said and we went back home and got married and have the happiness of our lives.

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