Italy x ghost reader

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Italy x ghost reader

''Ve why are we going to the haunted house again Gilbert,'' Felicano asked as he and the Bad Touch Trio walk there.

'''re be pasta there vaiting for you,'' Gilbert said. Felicano's eyes beamed. ''Ve I like Pasta,'' he said.

When they got there, Felicano went in first and then Gilbert, Antonio and Francis slammed the door close.

Felicano tried to opened the door. ''Uh...guys...I-a think you forgot about-a me,'' Felicano said but they wouldn't opened the door.

Felicano then heard noise. He screamed. ''Ve Ludwig, Kiku, Lovino save me,'' he screamed and ran somewhere.

Outside the house
''Ha ha ha ha that vas awesome,'' Gilbert said and was laughing. ''Uh...amigo I think you cross the line,'' Antonio said.

''Oui , you know Feli get's scared easy,'' Francis said. Gilbert sigh. ''Ja fine your right, let's opened the door,'' Gilbert said and tried to opened the door. But it was lock.

''Vhat the hell,'' Gilbert yelled. The other two tried to opened the luck. ''Amigo what have you done, Felicano is in there,'' Antonio said.

''We have to get help,'' Francis said. ''Nein  if Lovino or mien bruder found out they'll kill the awesome me,'' Gilbert said.

Antonio and Francis grabbed Gilbert's arms and made him walk with him. 

With Felicano
Felicano was running + crying. When he stop. He fell to his knees. '''s so scary...someone please-a help me,'' Felicano cried.

''Are you alright sir,'' he heard a female voice asked. Felicano turn and saw a c/h hair girl.

''Ve Ciao bella ragazza, why are you-a here, did-a you friend-a dare you-a to come in too,'' Felicano asked. She chuckled. ''My name is f/n what's yours,'' She asked.

''Felicano or you can call-a me Feli if-a you-a want bella,'' Felicano said and smiled. F/n blushed.

''So why are you crying Feli,'' F/n asked and sat next to him. ''My-a friends told me there's pasta and I went in-a and got lock in-a,'' Felicano said.

F/n nodded. ''Don't worry Feli, you have me,'' F/n said and smiled. Felicano smiled. ''Your-a right bella, grazie f/n,''  Felicano said.

F/n smiled. ''Your welcome Feli,'' She said. 

With the BTT
''You vhat,'' Ludwig yelled as the Bad Touch Trio told him what happen. '' bastards, I'm going to-a kill you,'' Lovino yelled.

''Dummkopf do you ever think of vhat Felicano reaction vas,'' Ludwig yelled and throw Gilbert on the ground. ''Ja, ja I know now, I'm sorry vest,'' Gilbert said.

''Now show me vhere he is,'' Ludwig said and tried to keep calm. 

With Felicano and f/n

''I-a glad I met-a you f/n,'' Felicano said and smiled. F/n blushed. ''Yeah me too Feli, it's been so lonely without anyone talking to,'' F/n said. 

''What-a do you-a mean,'' Felicano asked. Then f/n started to cry. ''Bella don't-a cry,'' Felicano said and was about to wipe her tears.

''Feli no,'' F/n said as he touch her but his hand went throw her.

''Bella,'' He asked and his eyes went wide. ''I'm...a you don't want to be friends with me anymore,'' F/n said and cried.

''Don't-a say that bella, I still-a want-a be-a friends with-a you,'' Felicano said. ''Aren't you scared of me Feli,'' F/n asked.

''A little bit but I-a don't mine any-a more, because-a your a nice-a ghost,'' Felicano said.

''Feli...thank you,'' F/n said as Felicano lean close. They both kissed but the kiss went throw each other.

''F/n...I-a have-a a friend who could help-a you turn-a human again,'' Felicano said. ''Really,'' F/n asked and her eyes widen. He nodded and grabbed his phone out.

He called someone. ''Felicano are you alright,'' Ludwig yelled. 

''Si si but Ludwig I need you to get Arthur for me and tell him to bring his-a magic book,'' Felicano said. ''Vhy,'' Ludwig asked. 

''I-a tell you-a later,'' Felicano said and hang up. ''Don't-a worry about it bella,'' Felicano said and smiled. 

When the others got the door out, they saw Felicano and f/n. Felicano explain what happen and Arthur agree to help turn f/n back to a human. 

They went back to their house and waited till Arthur come out. ''Ve, it's-a take a very-a long time, I hope-a nothing-a went wrong,'' Felicano said.

''Si, Fratello...I'm-a..a glad your not hurt idiota,'' Lovino said. Felicano smiled. ''Ve thank you big brother,'' Felicano said.

The door opened and Arthur was out. ''Ve is-a f/n is-a alright,'' Felicano asked. Then f/n came out and smiled. ''I'm...a human girl again,'' she said. Felicano smiled big and hugged her.

''Ve bella, I'm so-a happy that you,'' Felicano begin but f/n kissed him. He close his eyes and kissed back and pulled her closer.

''Feli...I think I'm in love with you,'' F/n mutter as they pull apart. He grinned. ''Me too bella, te amor,'' he said and kissed her again.

Te amor - I love you
Bella - beautiful
Idiota - idiot
ragazza  - girl
Ja - yes
nein - yes
Oui - yes
Dummkopf  - fool or idiot

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