Christmas Party [Hetalia x reader]

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Christmas Party [Hetalia x reader]

I looked at the invite to America's Christmas Party.

I sigh. ''Do I have to go,'' I thought. Maybe I could call to America and tell him, I'm sick?

I shook my head. He wouldn't believe me. I got up and saw my outfit.

It was a tight Santa claw's dress with black boots and a hat.

I soon got it on and drove to America's house.

When I got there, I didn't get out of my car. ''Maybe they don't care, if I'm there or not,'' I thought.

I then heard someone knocking on my door window. I looked up and saw Japan.

''If I have to come, you do too,'' he mouthed. I sigh but didn't moved.

Then America came and opened the door and picked me up and threw me on his shoulder.

''No,'' I yelled and hit his back with my fists which didn't affect him at all. America was laughing and I saw Japan had a small smile on his face.

I'm just glad America or Japan didn't saw my outfit yet. When we got inside, America put me down.

''Dude welcome to my awesome party,'' he said. I glare at him. He saw my outfit and went red.

I sigh and went to the closet and locked myself in before grabbing a book.

''Hey dudes, have any of you seen c/n anywhere,'' I heard America yelled.

Then the door was kicked down and I saw France. He then picked me up.

''Come on please, just let me stay in,'' I begged while France chuckled.

We walked towards Spain and Prussia. Prussia grinned as he saw what i was wearing.

''Vell frau, look at jou,'' he said and look down and up at my outfit.

Spain put his arms around my shoulder as France put me down. ''Chica you looked very cute,'' Spain said and put his chin on my c/h.

I blushed.

''No I'm not,'' I said. They chuckled.

I pouted.

''Aw but you really are!,'' Spain said pulling at my cheeks. I didn't say anything.

''Tomato bastard, get your hands off of mia bella [my, beautiful],'' Romano yelled and pulled me away from Spain.

Spain grinned. ''But Roma, sharing is caring,'' Spain said.

I soon sneak away from them. I walked towards the punch and grabbed a drink. I drink it then spit it out.

''What the hell is this,'' I asked. ''Beer frau,'' I heard Prussia said. ''Great, people will get drunk...just great,'' I thought and walked away.

But a hand grabbed my arm. I turned and saw a drunken England.

''#@?!agfh!'' England was moaning about something as usual.

Suddenly I felt his full weight and I fell to my knees as he collapsed on me.

''Get off me!'' I screamed at the drunk Brit.

''Don't worry fair maiden, the hero will save you!'' a voice called.

America swooped out of nowhere and pushed drunk England off of me, picked me up, and ran off with me in his arms.

I wrapped my arms around his neck so I wouldn't fell to the floor.

We soon reached the other side of the room and America put me down.

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