Ruby x Reader

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The bus comes to a stop and I open my eyes, I guess I was dozing off. I grabbed my bag and I stepped off the bus, my eyes adjusting to the sunlight again after being on the dim bus for so long. I pulled out my phone and after I put on my headphones I began to play my music. I began to walk along the street and as I felt the warmth of the sun against my face I began to daydream as I walked since I didn't really have anything better to do. As I walked, the road had a turn that I could take to my left, but I continued to walk straight forward. However, someone was walking along that side path and in my distracted state, I bumped into them and I accidentally knocked them over.

"Ow." I heard the person say.

Realizing that I messed up, I leaned down to help them up, I grabbed their wrist and I saw it was a girl with green eyes and red hair that was in twintails. I recognized who it was, she was Ruby Kurosawa of Aquors, an idol group I love the music of. I saw her beginning to tear up as I pulled her up and I remembered that in an interview it said that she is afraid of men. Panicking about scaring this girl I like the music of so much, I hurriedly pulled her the rest of the way up and quickly said "Sorry!" then quickly left her be in hopes that the lack of my presence would help her calm down.

I increased my gait until I was further away, then I returned to my normal pace and walked home the rest of the way home. When I got to my home, I headed to my room and reached into my bag to find that I must have dropped it somewhere.

"Crap, I better go find it." I said as I left my room and headed back to the entrance of the house.


Ruby's Perspective

"Sorry!" said the boy before he quickly walked away from me. I calmed myself down, since I got a bit scared when the boy grabbed my wrist. I wonder why he left so quickly, but if I ran into him again I'd be too nervous to ask him. I then saw on the ground I saw a book. I picked it up, and when I read the title I saw it was a book about baking desserts. I guess that fell out of the bag the boy had in his hand. I think that boy is going to be sad that he lost this and I want to give this back to him, but I'm all by myself and I'm worried about talking to a boy I don't know at all.

"I wish Onee-chan was here to help me," I said before I shook my head and continued"No, I'm gonna do my rubesty and try and find him."

With that, I held the book in my hands and began to walk around the area to see if I could find him.


Y/n's Perspective

I retraced my steps, looking to see if I could find where it fell out of my bag. I continued searching along the street when I heard a voice call out from the other side of the street "Excuse me."

I turned to see it was Ruby and she was holding a book in her hands. We both started to walk towards each other, and she seemed to get more nervous the closer we got. She tried to say "I-is this b-book yours?" And she held out her hands, showing me the cover of the book.

I nodded and said "It is. Thank you so much for finding it."

"Y-you're welcome." she said.

She handed me the book and I said "I'd really like to pay you back. Can you meet me here again at the same time tomorrow?"

"I-it's fine, you don't have to do anything." she replied.

"Please, I want to pay you back. I was just going to bake you some cookies." I insisted

Eventually she agreed and I hurriedly headed home to bake them before it was time to cook dinner since there wouldn't be enough time to do what I'm planning if I bake them tomorrow.

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