Kanata x Reader: Cooking with Love

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(I didn't release this yesterday because I ran out of time to fit in everything I wanted to put in before I needed to sleep and because I stayed up way to late already at that point. I'll still release a chapter tomorrow)

The school bell rings for the final time today and I get up and head to this ridiculously huge school cooking classroom to use it's kitchen. I am a student at Nijigasaki on a scholarship for culinary arts. I live at the school's dorms and I'm able to keep my scholarship as long as I keep progressing my cooking. I also get some scholarship money for ingredients so I can experiment and practice my cooking. I'm not too focused on the end result so if somebody comes by I'll let them eat it in exchange for their critique. I go to the food storage and grab the ingredients I left here this morning as well as some typical things that the school has on hand in there that I'll need: some cheese, eggs, milk, butter, and various other things. Today, I think I'm going to continue perfecting my chocolate souffle. Which is a super light, creamy, and rich dish that's a humongous pain in the butt to get right. It requires really exact ratios and the egg whites to be beaten just enough and, if you mess up it can sink.


Kanata's Perspective

As idol practice ends, I hear Ai say something about a student with a culinary arts scholarship who apparently if you go to the cooking classroom he'll let you eat the dish in exchange for your opinion.

Ai then looked over at me and said "Hey Kana, you like cooking right? How about we go over and try out what he made? Maybe he could show you how to make it for Haruka."

I thought to myself for a minute. I do need to get home to make Haruka dinner but if whatever it is he makes is already done I could try it and maybe get the recipe. "That sounds like a good idea."


Y/n's Perspective

The oven beeps and I pull the final souffle out of the oven. I'm getting them to rise quite a bit more today.

"Okay... Now I'll just wait twenty minutes to see if anybody comes by interested in them." I said to myself.

I pulled out a chair and sat down while I waited and after fifteen minutes had passed, a girl that looked like a gyaru who according to her ribbon was a second year like me and a really beautiful girl who had light brown hair and was carrying a pillow walked in, judging from her ribbon she's a third year.

"Hello, I'm y/n l/n. What are you guys' names?" I asked

"I'm Ai Miyashita! It's nice to meet you l/n!" The gyaru-looking girl said with a bright smile on her face.

"And I'm Kanata Konoe. It's nice to meet you" The third year said with a soft and gentle smile on her face.

I got up from the chair and said "I take it you came by because you heard about how I give away the dishes I make? If so just take a seat over there and I'll bring it over"
"Okay. So what did you make?"Miyashita asked.

I grabbed the souffles whose ramekins have cooled down a bit by now but they'll still be decently warm as well as some silverware. "I made some chocolate souffles but since they came out of the oven a bit ago they lost some of their height. They'll still be good though"

I put a souffle and a spoon in front of each of them and Konoe-senpai said "Considering how temperamental soffles are, that's really impressive l/n."

"Thanks Konoe-senpai, now go on and dig in." I said.

Konoe-senpai and Miyashita then started to enjoy the souffles and after they were done they gave their critiques, Konoe-senpai said "Hey could you give me the recipe? I'd really like to make this for my little sister."

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