Chapter 1

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The past is a strange thing. Even though it's already happened, you somehow can't stop reliving it. It comes back without warning too and sometimes it can be impossible to not hear that constant ringing in your head. It's like a wakeup call, reminding you that you can't just move on. Almost like an alarm clock. Literally.


This was the third time I had hit the snooze button which meant I had about 10 minutes before my next class started. Mikasa, my sister, (well, adopted sister), had tried waking me up before a decent amount of times. But as usual, she gave up around 8:00 and headed out to school so she wouldn't be late herself.

I let out a loud groan, squeezing my pillow tightly against my face. I started counting backwards from three and on the third count I abruptly got up and rushed toward my dresser. Usually counting backwards added a bit of pressure on myself to get whatever I was procrastinating out of the way. I had thrown on whatever I could find. It probably wasn't the best decision considering the weather New York could have around this time. It was September, and it was rather chilly. Leaves were still pretty green with little hues of yellow and little by little, you could feel the winter air preparing to settle in. It was the third day of school and I still had one class I hadn't started yet. But me being a senior, I was well aware of who was teaching it and I dreaded just acknowledging it with every fiber of my being. But I didn't have time to complain about that right now. It didn't matter how early I had gone to bed the previous night, I would always miss my bed hence my current dilemma of not being able to get to school without being scolded by my teachers for being late. I rolled my eyes at that thought.

The name's Eren Jaeger. I'm pretty much just your average 17 year old dude. I had always taken pride in my name. "Jaeger" is German for "hunter". It makes me feel strong and capable. Those were things I was learning to be able to feel like again. Although Eren isn't that much of an interesting name, I always thought it suited me and I had never met anyone else with that name so I always felt special in a sense when I introduced myself to others. I'm a pretty social guy. I have lots of friends and I'm pretty popular around school. I've been described as charismatic and charming but when it comes down to it, most people just call me a fuckboy. It's annoying really but I try my best to kind of ignore it. I really don't know what the hell I'm doing and I'm just navigating high school the way I think I should in order to survive.

I have really amazing friends and a family that loves me. I guess I could say one bad thing about my life was that I got some pretty shit grades. I was barely passing any of the courses. I mean quite literally that I was on the cusp of failure. But I didn't really care. School had never been my thing and I thought I'd just wing it once I graduated. I had a few backups anyways.

I love music. Everything about it. In my room were posters of my favourite bands and some of my favourite old artists that dated from the late 1500s to the 1970s. I had started out as a classical pianist when I was just three years old and became pretty successful in the competitive scene by the time I was around twelve. I was deemed a genius by some fancy people with a check-board and a pen but I never thought I was that skilled. After a few unfortunate events, I had to abandon the piano so I picked up a guitar instead and learned that I had a pretty good voice too. Music is where I was going in life. That's what kept me grounded. I hated school and knew I could drop out at any moment, but I at least wanted to get my GED. I had to accomplish something that wouldn't disappoint my parents. It was the least I could do for them. They were worried enough as it was knowing their son would be some weird struggling musician.

I checked my watch: 8:23 AM. Shit. My eyes widened and I let out a little shriek before I snatched my half opened backpack from beside my desk, stumbled down the hardwood stairs and quickly slipped on my dark green converse, leaving them untied.

Just as I reached for the doorknob I cringed at the voice of Mom who was cleaning the kitchen.

"Tie your shoes Eren!" she yelled. How did she even know I hadn't done up my laces?

"I don't really have time for that mom!" I replied in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Eren, do as I say and watch your tone liebchen!" she added. God I hated when she called me that. It was german for "darling" or "sweetheart". She barely treated me like an adult. To be fair, I could be quite childish at times, but I still had a driver's license so she could at least give me a bit of credit. We were originally from Germany, hence her calling me a german pet name, but we moved to New York a few years ago after my dad accepted a job. He was a surgeon and he was in pretty high demand so it was easy, but we were moving for other reasons as well. I was glad I got the opportunity since some pretty bad shit was happening at the time.

"Shit shit shit shit shit" I muttered to myself as I ran down the sidewalk on my usual route to school.

Luckily, school wasn't too far of a walking distance. I only had a good 2 minutes before my first class started. I believe it was Math. With that thought, I rolled my eyes so far back it might have reached my ass. Like I said before, I hated that teacher with a burning passion. After running a few hundred meters, I arrived at the school, filled out a lateslip while charming the secretary so it wouldn't be too awkward, and rushed down the hall to my designated classroom.

'Let's just get this over with' I thought to myself.

Alarm Clock - Ereri/Riren (Re-uploaded)Where stories live. Discover now