Chapter 8

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When I walked in the frame of the entrance, I quickly looked toward the back of the classroom to find him staring out the window, tapping his foot against the floor anxiously and biting his nails. It was almost as if he was the nervous one, waiting for something. This increased my heart rate a significant amount. What was he thinking? Maybe he forgot about me now that some time has passed.

"Late again Mister Jaeger. And I see you've finally decided to join us." hissed mister Bozad as Levi's head jerked to the place I was standing at. I felt sweat begin to drip as I quickly turned my head away from him so we wouldn't have an awkward staring contest. I ignored the teacher's remark and just walked to the back of the class, finding my seat and earning a snarl from him. Levi was looking right at me and I was trying so hard not to look back as the teacher gave what seemed like a 30 hour lecture on how to solve equations with y = mx + b. The grating sound of his voice always made things seem a hundred times longer. Levi's frequent stares I would catch out of the corner of my eyes didn't help one bit. That feeling, of not being able to do anything in the moment, of having to just sit there as the guy who probably wanted to kick my ass stared me down with a never ending menacing look, was suffocating. That might have been a way more appropriate time for a panic attack to kick in if you ask me, but they had to come at random times instead when I had no reason for them to be triggered in the first place. But, that excruciatingly long moment ended thankfully. Levi averted his attention toward his textbook as Mr. Headache assigned us some textbook questions. Thank God he had stopped looking because it gave me a moment to breathe. The class then broke out into chatter as it usually did during work periods, and the sound of his voice cut into my ear like a blade.

"Jaeger." he said sharply, looking a bit at the ground and tapping his foot a bit faster. I still didn't want to look directly at him but I let him know I was listening with a timid hum.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been bored out of my mind and when I'm not, I'm watching that doofus slip the tongue to the shy doofus." He was obviously referring to Jean and Marco. Despite how scared I was before, his insult did manage to get a bit of a titter from me. Could I be overreacting? Could I honestly be right in assuming that he had moved on from the situation and liked me as a friend as much as I liked him. I enjoyed that I was apparently his only salvation in this class. Now, I figured I should be up front with him and let him know why I was avoiding him. I then noticed that Mr. Back Pain wasn't at his desk or anywhere to be found in the classroom. The old fart was most likely picking up photocopies from somewhere, or taking a piss. I didn't have much time so I seized Levi by the wrist, yanking him out of his seat and dragging him across the classroom.

"What the hell are you doing?!" he shrieked, with a slight blush as multiple students brought their attention to us but ignored shortly afterwards seeing as they were too caught up in their own lives to care. We then swiftly exited the class room. I didn't answer his shriek from a few seconds ago. I was going to wait till we were alone so I could just set things straight. I continued to drag him down the hall. He surprisingly, wasn't resisting as much as I thought he would. He was instead, allowing himself to be dragged and I knew this because I knew he could easily have me let go with the amount of strength he had. We reached one of those hallways with empty classrooms that no one usually visited. I knew we wouldn't be interrupted here.

"So listen." I said shakily, my face hot, palms slightly sweaty and looking directly at the ground because I couldn't bring myself to even completely face him. I was still so sensitive about this situation. So was everyone involved for that matter. It was a really messy thing that fucked up a lot of people's lives. It was my fault. I'm the one who dragged all this shit in and now at least 5 people have to carry that baggage. Some more than authors. "You know who I am right?" I finally asked. His eyebrow raised and he seemed confused.

"Your Eren Jaeger?" he said. I then lifted my head briefly to give him a timid look and told him I was gonna talk about that thing. Then, his confusion dissolved to discomfort. I'm sure he was thinking of avoiding this conversation entirely.

"Yeah. I know." He answered. My heart was beating faster and faster and I was sure he must have heard how loud it was.

"Do you still want to beat the shit out of me?" I asked directly but still with clear nervousness in my tone. He paused for a moment, then scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No Jaeger, I don't want to beat the shit out of you. I mean...I did at first but, I didn't really see the need to hold a grudge after I thought about it. And besides, you're cool." he said in a more relaxed tone. He probably noticed that it was me who had more to be nervous about this then he did.

"So you're not just trying to gain my trust only to get your revenge in the end? I mean-" I slapped my hand against my mouth realizing how much I had just let slip. That definitely wasn't a version of myself I wanted to show anyone, let alone Levi.

"Ha! Is that really what you thought my plan was all along?" he said deviously. I still wasn't looking right at him. I then nodded slowly out of slight embarrassment. "Jaeger, don't worry. I know some pretty fucked up shit went down but I'm not some immature asshole. It happened and we can't change that. And we're friends aren't we? You're good." Friends. Yeah, Levi and I were friends, but it's not a word that I would really use to describe what we were. I didn't really know what to use actually. I then looked up to see that his eyes looked a lot warmer. It was then that I knew, that he didn't plan on doing any of the things I just said. I sighed in relief and laughed a bit at the thought of how ridiculously far-fetched my thoughts had become.

Alarm Clock - Ereri/Riren (Re-uploaded)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz