Chapter 25

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The night me and Levi took things to the next level, we had just laid against each other afterwards. I loved the intimacy of feeling him without clothing. His skin felt so soft against mine and he wasn't fidgeting like he always would. We didn't even say anything. Before we had eventually fallen asleep we were just lightly planting butterfly kisses on each other's shoulders and hands and cheeks and playing with each other's hair. I had woken up in the middle of the night for no particular reason, but I had noticed the 23 missed calls from Mikasa and the 13 texts message she had left explaining how worried my parents were. So I kissed the sleeping Levi on the forehead and went back home. Although, I did wish more than anything that I could've stayed.

I had insisted on picking Levi up and driving him to school the next day. He obviously had refused at first, saying he didn't want me to drive all the way there but I came anyway. I rolled down the window and gave him a little wink, making him scoff as he opened the door to get into the passenger's seat. He was limping. I felt a bit guilty for going a lot rougher than I should have, but I couldn't help but smile as I remembered the events of last night. It was the first time sex actually meant something to me in a while.

"Morning sunshine" I chirped leaning in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Tch! Morning" he said plainly.

"Am I not in trouble for calling you 'Sunshine'?" I asked with a slight smirk.

"You are, but you'll get the consequences later." he said now scrolling through his phone.

"Are you going to punish me Levi?" I asked, barely containing my laughter. He then hit me on the shoulder with his free hand while continuing to scroll through his phone but before he could retract it, I grabbed it and intertwined our fingers.

"Jesus Jaeger, you're extra touchy today."

"Are you in any pain?" I asked concernedly.

"Yeah but I don't mind." I then pulled down his shirt to reveal his shoulder and trailed my fingers delicately over the two bite marks I had left. They were horrifyingly visible. I gasped as I hovered over their deep grooves.

"Sorry. I really tried to stop myself but the urges to do that just kind of just come without warning." I said sheepishly.

"I think it's hot." he said, shrugging. It was a reply I certainly wasn't expecting. We both chuckled. "I enjoyed last night Jaeger, don't worry. I don't regret a thing." he said. I sighed in relief, smiled at him and kissed his hand one more time before letting go to search for the aux cord. "What will it be today? Bach's Partita or Metallica." he said sarcastically.

"Whatever you want babe."

"Babe? That's new."

"You don't like it? I can start calling you booboo bear again." I smirked.

"How many of those god awful nicknames do you have?" he asked in annoyance.

"I don't know, I learn them from Jean and Marco"

As we pulled into the school parking lot, I noticed him prepare his bag. Then, when I was fully parked, he grabbed it, got out of the car, but instead of walking at a fast pace so we wouldn't be seen together, he waited for me. This was odd because there were quite a few people in the parking lot and he would usually make an effort not to be noticed with me or have any suspicious behaviour. But not now, he just eagerly waited for me to get out of the car.

"Aren't you gonna run away?" I asked, shutting the car door and pressing the lock button on my keys.

"Nope.'' Once I was close enough he grabbed my hand and started walking toward the school. I knew he would probably change his mind if I made a huge deal out of it so I just remained quiet.

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