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Hi! This isn't part of the story but I just finished chapter 138 of AOT and I wanted to vent about it! If you haven't read that part of the manga I suggest you don't continue reading.

I have quite literally have been crying for 5 hours straight. I've been thinking about Eren's character and what it all meant and how he was essentially born to die and born to free Eldia but it's so tragic because he never wanted any of that. He just happened to have the spirit necessary to get it done and it breaks my heart. It also breaks my heart that the only time Eren and Mikasa kiss was after his death in the two timelines and it confirms their mutual love for each other but at the same time it's just so gruesome and melancholic it makes my heart want to burst. I also keep thinking back to when Levi said "Devote your heart" for the first time to Hange and it really goes to show how much she meant to him not only as a comrade but as a friend and he had to accept her loss just like he did with Erwin. Him saying those words for the first time really shows the kind of bond they had and how Levi's last friend from his original squad in the survey corp is leaving him. Not only that but Levi seeing Eren lose himself and become this monster after he devoted so much time protecting him and developing this bond with him that was sort of parental kind of broke me too. Not to mention Connie and Jean's last moments genuinely made me burst out into tears. All in all, I really think that AOT was one of the most heart-wrenching stories that we all kind of misunderstood from the first season. It started out as a black and white tale of good vs evil when it never really was about that. There was no good guy or bad guy. It was so much more complex to the point where our protagonist had to become the antagonist to create that and free everyone from hatred. He knew that the only way to make things right, was to create a bad guy even though no one in the present day was technically in the wrong. To unite the world, they had to have one common hatred, and he sacrificed himself so it wouldn't be the people he cared about most instead. The tone from the first and last chapter are totally different as well as the first and last season. But you could tell that from the start, it was all mapped out. Never have I once witnessed someone dedicate 11 years of story telling to keep a consistent story in mind with clues and mystery to that level. I'm usually a tough critic but I truly believe Isayama has achieved a level no other story ever has or will for a very long time. He, in my opinion, has achieved perfection. AOT is perfect. The last chapter still isn't out, but I am certain he will come up with a really great conclusion that satisfies us and hurts us equally. RIP Hange, you were my favourite. RIP Eren, I loved you from the bottom of my heart! Rip Potato girl! RIP everyone else that died!

I wouldn't have been inspired to write my own story if it weren't for this. This is something truly special that will stay with alot of people for a very long time, myself included. I'm so lucky to have been able to experience this first hand. 

Sorry if this got sappy. This series just means a lot to me :)

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