Chapter 3

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"Eren, wake up." Mikasa said, nudging me. I ignored her. "Eren, you've had three lates and it's only the fourth day of school. You're gonna get detention if you keep it up." She continued nudging more aggressively. I ignored her again. "Alright then, I'm telling mom and dad that you-"

"Fine fine fine I'm up." I said groggily, shooting up from my bed and stretching. I didn't know what she was threatening to tell my parents but I knew i'd be in trouble so I didn't bother finding out. I dragged my feet to the shower seeing as I had more time to get ready today thanks to her. My hair was getting a bit greasy anyways. I began undressing and as I was doing so, I noticed that the body I had worked hard to get over the summer was slowly fading. "Shit" I whispered to myself as I touched my torso in disbelief. I really need to lay off the junk food. I also hadn't been able to go to the gym in a while but the very idea of that place depressed me a bit. I knew I wasn't an unattractive person, but every time I looked in the mirror, something felt off. I felt like my body wasn't really mine and that I was watching another person and living inside their body. That's why I really liked to look my best, because I felt like I owed this person. If I was gonna live inside their body, I might as well make sure they're presentable. That sounds crazy though right? I hopped in the shower and exhaled peacefully from the feeling of hot water hitting my back. It felt nice in my hair too. I was less stressed out as I got ready too, since I wasn't in such a hurry.

"Eren?" Mikasa said as we both walked along the pathway to school.

"What's up Mika?" I replied casually. She paused for a moment.

"Nevermind." she said, still looking ahead.

"Alright." I usually knew not to try and get an answer out of Mikasa whenever she demonstrated this odd behaviour. I knew that if it was bothering her that much she'd eventually let it out.

That walk was all too short because I once again found myself in Mr. Bozad's hellish classroom, beside the black haired boy with his face in his forearms. I had no interest in Jean and Marco right now. In fact, I was feeling a bit nauseous prior so I don't think I'd be able to stomach seeing them suck the life out of each other this morning. I had actually paid attention through this lecture. And when I was the most focused, I noticed Mr. Bozad make eye contact with me, and look taken aback at how focused I was. Turns out that trigonometry isn't as difficult as they say it is. And this was the last lesson for that unit which meant that we would be doing easy shit like graphing next. For once, it seemed like I was actually gonna pass the test. Hello new guitar. When the work period started, I figured that now was the time to give this kid another shot. Maybe a more pessimistic take?

"Ugh. This class is so boring." I said, slightly looking off to the side clearly addressing him. This was an attempt to try and get him to state his opinion on the class and maybe start a conversation. I leaned in my chair a bit to give myself a more laidback energy. He, who was working away at his textbook, turned to face me, his pen still in his mouth. He looked me up and down and scoffed.

"You seemed to be pretty invested a few minutes ago." he said without an emotion detected in his voice.

"I- uh. I was just-" I stammered. I was trying to find an excuse for the behaviour I wasn't aware he was observing.

"Yeah. That's what I thought." he said, turning back to his desk and continuing to chip away at the questions in the textbook. This wasn't going well. By now my face was hot from embarrassment and it was startling how he had been able to figure me so accurately just as I was trying to him.

That encounter really ruined the rest of my day. It usually never took me this long to figure out someone. By now, if I had put that much effort in, we would basically be considered best friends. Luckily, I had a valid distraction though and I could work on my homework instead of obsessing over him. Now that my new guitar depended on me getting Bs in all my classes, I was diligently paying attention and making sure I was understanding everything. From writing notes, to asking questions and sometimes even finishing the homework in class. This was really out of character for me. Hopefully I wouldn't become as stuck up as Mika though. It was astonishing how greatly I overestimated the level of difficulty grade 12 was at. I could also see the level of shock on the teacher's faces when they would call me out for me to answer the question on the board and I would actually get it right. Let's just say they weren't really accustomed to 'good student Eren'. The day felt a lot shorter than it usually did now that my time wasn't spent staring at a clock.

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