Chapter 6

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"Good work, Mister Jaeger. I really appreciated your use of symbolism. You also provided great evidence to support yoour opinions. I'm impressed." said my English teacher, handing me back my essay. It was then that I saw it, in bright red marker and all of its glory. A gorgeous A+ written on the top corner. I was in disbelief.

"An...An A?" I questioned, abruptly taking back my paper and continuing to gaze at the letter in disbelief.

"Yes? Do you not believe you deserve it?" she asked with her eyebrows furrowed.

"That's not it it's just...nevermind. Thank you." I said with a smile on my face. I was still staring at it in awe as I made my way to my next class. This was the first A I had gotten in all 3 years I had been in highschool. And It was because I actually tried. Damn it. Maybe Mikasa was right. As the days went on, things looked like they were turning around. I know I had an episode the second week of school but people eventually stopped talking about it. It was old news now just like Marco said. My parents and Mikasa had expressed how proud they were as I brought back more good grades and Connie, Sasha and Armin finally came back today. The one thing I had really come to appreciate though, was the fact that I had a pretty interesting friend in math class.

Levi was very observant, I could tell you that much. Nobody I knew had ever picked up on the fact that my name was German and nobody else in my class apparently knew I was speaking German. He was the only one. Not only that, but he translated what I said in an instant and repeated it with perfect grammar and everything. I had come to learn overtime that he was fluent in 5 different languages including English, French, Latin, Japanese and German. Boy did he make me feel dumb sometimes. I had come up with an excuse for why I happened to have a mental collapse in another language. I said that it was something I heard in a foreign film and that I had German ancestry but knew nothing about the culture. He didn't seem to buy it but just left it alone.

"What do you mean this is your first A? There is no way someone who writes an essay like that hasn't gotten an A before in high school." he said. He knew what was in the essay because I had asked him to proofread it before I submitted it.

"Was it to your liking oh wise one?" I joked.

"It was fucking brilliant. And I noticed that nod to Aristotle's theory on eudaimonic well-being. Very nice. Did our little chats have that much of an impact on you Jaeger?" he said with a smirk. My face turned a bit hot. One thing me and Levi would talk about lots was philosophy. He knew a lot about it and I was always asking him questions so he would break it down for me sometimes. I liked this side of him. I liked that he was slowly loosening up and we were able to tease each other now. It only took me a few weeks but I was finally getting along with him.

"Don't get too cocky." I added, turning back to my notebook to finish calculating an equation I had started before our conversation. Then the bell rang. We both started packing up and shoving our books into our backpacks. "I'll see you around." I said, throwing my bag over my shoulders while lifting up a hand to wave goodbye.

"Yeah. See you." he said, doing the same and finally standing up. There was a brief moment where we just stood there looking at each other, almost as if neither of us wanted to leave even though we were saying goodbye. That was when I realized that I had never seen Levi stand up and I must have walked out of the class before I got the opportunity. Because what I noticed was so incredibly apparent, it would be difficult for me not to notice. Levi is literally like 5,2. I tried holding back a laugh but it was obvious I was cracking up. It was amusing to me how someone so tough looking and intimidating was so small compared to me. "What the hell are you laughing at?" he said defensively.

"Nothing, nothing. It's just, you're a lot shorter than I imagined." I said, still covering my mouth and trying to contain my laughter. He rolled his eyes, as if he were used to this by now.

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