Chapter 15

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"Liebchen, can you come help me with the dishes?" cried my mom from the kitchen. Mom was usually always working when she used to be a lawyer. But when she got pregnant with me, my father was too caught up with his work so things became too busy for both of them to continue with their jobs. And when they looked into adopting Mikasa, she knew she'd never really go back to work again. That always bothered me. It wasn't fair that I was holding her back from doing what she loved.

"I can't mom, I'm leaving soon." I yelled from the living room. I was just on the couch scrolling through my phone, but I was leaving in a few minutes.

"Band practice?" she asked, walking into the living room while drying a plate. She was now hovering above me.

"Nope, just hanging out with a friend," I answered, directing my attention from my phone to look up at her.

"Do I know this friend?"

"I met him in math class. We're going to go watch a movie." I said while standing up, to go put my shoes on and head out.

"Is he cute?" my dad interjected walking down the stairs with a cup of coffee in his hand. Rather late for coffee if you ask me but my dad was always a bit strange. He was like a bit like a middle schoolers mother with the way he talked about my dating life. He was off on Saturdays so he was home today. My parents were surprisingly chill with me dating guys. I'm assuming you guys assumed I'm a full fledged homosexual, but I prefer not to label myself. Neither did anyone in my friend group actually. It's always been uncomfortable for me when I put labels on my sexuality because then, I felt like now only was I limiting myself but it also became a part of my personality for people who knew me. Next thing I knew people were calling me Eren the gay guy instead of just Eren. I like to keep things simple and just go with the flow. I could be with a girl, a guy or anything in between. If I'm attracted to them I don't see a point in not pursuing them romantically. However, I do seem to have a bit of a preference toward guys. But that's just me.

I'd only really been in one long-term, serious relationship, and my parents really loved him. I think he was the second guy I had brought home to meet the family and by then my parents were pretty accepting. The first time though, they weren't really comfortable with the whole thing, but hey, people grow. And I was proud to see my parents do so.

"Yeah, Levi's pretty cute." I answered casually while lacing up my shoes. "But it's not like that."

"Levi huh? Well make sure to bring him over some time, we'd love to meet him." my mother said waltzing her way to me with a dish in hand, squeezing my cheeks, then making her way back to the kitchen.

"Are you talking about Ackerman?" added Mikasa as she came out from the bathroom.

"Yep." I replied nonchalantly.

"God Eren for fucks sake. Seriously?" she replied in a concerned tone.

"Mikasa, language engel." hollered my mom. I found it ironic she called Mikasa an angel in german as she scolded her.

"Sorry mom." she hollered back. "But Eren, Armin and you fought about this just a couple days ago I really don't think this is a-"

"Mika! Just friends." I snapped. She scoffed then stomped upstairs, clearly frustrated. She could tell that I was lying to even myself about how I felt. She knew me too well. "I gotta go guys. I'll be back later tonight!" I raised my voice a bit so my mom could hear from the kitchen, opening and closing the door behind me.

I pulled up to the parking lot of the school. That's where he told me to meet him. Dad got a pretty nice convertible last year with our savings so I convinced him to let me borrow it so we could hear the movie better. Levi was sitting on a bench near the entrance scrolling through his phone. His head was tilted downward so he didn't notice me. I walked up to him and poked him lightly on the shoulder. He looked rested and a lot more well put together. I was glad to see he had gotten a bit of sleep, and that he was probably in a better mood now.

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