Chapter 13

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"Eren, you guys were basically kissing when Ymir walked in on you. Everyone saw." said Mikasa as she laid on the bed, continuously tossing her basketball up and down in her arms. I would have been cautious about her dropping it and hitting my guitar, but I knew she was in control.

"We were just talking about how we wouldn't wanna break the rules." I said, as I chipped away at my math homework I was trying so desperately to catch up on after my whole disappearing act. I was nearly back on track and my grades had gone back up to an A-. I could almost feel the fresh new guitar strings against my fingers. Mikasa sighed and sat up on the edge of the bed. She then spun my chair around to face her and placed her hands firmly on my shoulders, triggering.a jolt in my shoulders. This never got any less intimidating.

"Listen Eren. I don't care who you date. But please don't date Ackerman. This is not going to end well considering your....history."

"Mikasa, I don't like Levi like that. And like I said, he doesn't like guys. It was just part of the rules of the game." I said as casually as I could in that moment, trying not to crack under her venomous glare.

"Eren, no one follows those rules! People only use them as an excuse to make out with someone they like in a closet. Hitch has a huge crush on Bertholdt! That's why she made those stupid fucking rules! The only reason Historia and Levi followed them was because Historia has been trying to get with him the entire night! You are so fucking clueless." She said angrily. I was a bit speechless but remaining silent would further her suspicion that Levi and I were an item.

"He was drunk, and I looked as close to a woman as I could get. It's not that big a deal." I replied. God her stare was getting more and more intense. I didn't even think that was possible. I was about to crack. Spill everything on my mind. The truth was, the way that 'almost kiss' scared the shit out of me. I don't usually get that worked up over kisses or anything. The last time I felt like that around someone was a long time ago. And I wasn't ready to feel it again. So I'm just gonna keep telling myself that we're just friends. I'll keep telling myself that until I believe it. This was probably all in my head. Things can get pretty crazy at parties and I wasn't really thinking clearly. Just as I was about to cave, Mikasa broke the stare and sighed again.

"Whatever. Just know that Armin looked really upset when you were in there with him last night though. You should be more considerate of the circumstance." she said discouraged and walked toward the door. That stung. "School starts soon. You better get going."

Today, I had math and I was looking forward to it. But to my surprise, Levi wasn't there, in his seat turning the pages of the book he was currently reading or scrolling through his social media feeds. I felt a bit disappointed. Was this how he felt when I had disappeared? And to no surprise, doofus and shy doofus, were in front of me swallowing each other whole once more. They were lucky Mr. Migraine wasn't in class yet to see all of that. I began feeling a bit bad for leaving Levi here in the back all alone. It really wasn't a pretty sight.

"Marco, did you finish the homework? I need to copy ASAP!" I tried getting his attention.

"Mmm I-'' he said in an attempt to unlock his lips from Jean's, but he was soon pulled back into that sloppy excuse of a kiss. Marco then pulled out his notebook and handed it to me, all still while grossly embracing Jean. Jesus Christ these two are useless. But I eagerly took the notebook and frantically began copying the answers. I was sure to get another scolding for not finishing.

"Mr. Bodt and Kirschtein! That is highly inappropriate! If I catch you public fornicaters one more time, I will inform the principal and have you both suspended!" exclaimed Mr. Headache. Public fornicaters huh? I had to give Mr. Bozad some credit because that was rather creative. I would have to use that one in the future.

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